# Changelog
- FIX: Updated vendor classes
- FIX: Mobile menu not clickable & color issue
- NEW: Machine Translation by OpenAI (ChatGPT)
- FIX: Bulk post copy not working correctly
- FIX: Improved elementor translations
- FIX: CSS issue in mobile flag view
- FIX: Media sync thumbnails not generated
- FIX: Media snyced files multiple times
- FIX: Sync trash posts not working
- FIX: Fatal error when SKU is existing
- FIX: Language links issue
- NEW: Recoded the media library sync for performance
You should delete the post meta key _mls_synced_id (that is no longer needed)
SQL Example: DELETE FROM wp_postmeta WHERE meta_key ="_mls_synced_id"
- NEW: Added support for multi network setups
- NEW: Taxonomies translation table:
- NEW: Native support for Filter everything pro
You need to adjust the taxonomies translation table and terms / attributes must be connected
- NEW: Exclude Media Post items from sync
- NEW: BETA Added oxygen builder meta key support ct_builder_json
- NEW: Option to always sync stock
- FIX: Issue copying unescaped my listing maps
- FIX: Product Attributes not synced correctly
- FIX: Wrong product HREF lang link when / missing
- NEW: Exclude backend sites
- NEW: Exclude Custom Meta keys from beeing synced
- NEW: Added suppport for My Listing Theme
- NEW: Exclude media sync sites
- FIX: Removed robots / bot redirect check
- FIX: Mobile flag display
- FIX: Link not clickable
- NEW: Sync prodcut variation data
As variations are NOT connected using the flag dropdown we use SKU as fallback
- NEW: FAQ how to Create a WP Multisite
- NEW: Country Selector SKU Product fallback
- NEW: Added pseudo element on country selector dropdown for better usability
- NEW: Set custom preserved HTML keys for machine translation data
- NEW: Disable wpautop
- NEW: Added PL & CZ translations (DeepL)
- NEW: Added option to only sync specific posts
- NEW: Added Support for Plugin Filter Everything Pro
- FIX: Disabled media syncing on wp all imports
- FIX: Modified the error message on first installation
- FIX: Fatal error when copy elementor data
- NEW: Added file_get_contents error message when using microsoft translation server
- FIX: Posts created on sync when disabled
- FIX: Fatal error when copy
- FIX: Cache not regenerated
- FIX: wpmu_new_blog is deprecated
- FIX: Removed media delete (caused issues when a blog was deleted)
- FIX: Removed BR Tags from machine translation
- FIX: Post & Terms transient issue when same ID
- FIX: Flag not showing for CPT
- FIX: Performance increase
- FIX: Do not delete media on blog copy
- NEW: Added Machine Translation support for Gutenberg
- NEW: Had to add an option for Machien divi support
this needs to be DISABLED when using Gutenberg (disabled by default)
- NEW: Elementor copy pages with indepth data support
- NEW: Option to disable the items connected in the overview
- FIX: HTML Comments were removed from auto translation
- FIX; figure & figcaption elements were removed from machine translation
- FIX: Sync performance
- FIX: blockquote, em & cite HTML tags removed
- FIX: Show duplicate edit / new icons in posts overview
- FIX: Copy elementor pages caused issue with no filtering tags
- NEW: Sync post / product images
- NEW: Removed extrem IP Lookup service using now (free)
API key is no longer needed
- NEW: Flags show in custom post types overview page
- NEW: Added support for filter everything pro widget (using default replace URL)
- NEW: Added support for ACF Repeater Fields
- NEW: Added segmentation support for _elementor_data key
- FIX: Machine translation custom fields work with arrays now
- FIX: Varchar for "type" increased to 50
- FIX: Country names not translated in Dropdown of local language
- FIX: BR tags removed on auto translate
- FIX: Connected Terms not working
- NEW: Option to remove a connected post / term
search for "none" in connected posts select field
- FIX: Link appeared in top bar
- NEW: Post copier will now also copy images inside post_content,
that have only IDs.
Example: gallery ids="123,456" will copy images with ID 123 & 456
and replace the Ids in the copied post
- NEW: Support for our helpdesk plugin
- FIX: Improved the performance dramatically (reduced nearly 200 SQL queries)
- FIX: get_base_for_taxonomy works now also for custom post types
- NEW: Create Multilingual Shortlink Redirects
- FIX: Connected posts will show ALL posts now in backend
- FIX: Current post / term ID will not show in connected posts
- FIX: Machine translation added option for arrays
- FIX: added a flush rewrite rules function after term sync
- NEW: Easily switch to admin translated pages using the new
Admin Country Selector
- NEW: Machine Translation Debug mode
- FIX: Performance increase (only using one get_admin_url query)
- NEW: Huge performance increase in single post edit in backend
due to using AJAX queries now
- NEW: Bot detection to not redirect them
- FIX: Added better DIVI support for machine translations
- FIX: Meta keys not translated by machine translation
- FIX: Machine translation issue with tables & span HTML tags
- NEW: DeepL Free Support
- NEW: PHP 8.0 Support
- FIX: Upgraded all vendor extensions
- FIX: Auto translate removed H Tags
- FIX: Issue with litespeed server
- NEW: Added Translation files for
Italian, German, French, Spanish, Dutch
- FIX: Product meta & data sync now support WC lookup table chaching
- FIX: Post im export disabled by default now
- FIX: IP redirection issue
- NEW: Automatic IP redirection
- NEW: Set a custom country selector blog name & flag image URL
- FIX: Redirect uses 302 now for best practices
- FIX: Too many redirects for excluding sites
- NEW: In Backend the excluded sites will still show
- NEW: Moved CSS into footer
- NEW: HTML lang attribute now uses alternate tag set
- FIX: Default lang not available in machine translation
- FIX: Flag icons loaded locally now
- FIX: Strong & B Tags broke translation
- FIX: Auto redirect not working from master site when excluded
- FIX: Fallback URL not working
- FIX: Country + Languages not translateable
- FIX: Excludede sites do not execute JS & CSS anymore
- FIX: Updated POT & PO Files
- NEW: Improved DeepL Machien translation
- NEW: Added a Filter for custom taxonomy bases
An example can be found here:
- FIX: Removed wp_die exceptions so that machine translation still continues even on errors
- FIX: Translator enable option stil showed meta boxes in backend
- FIX: Country selector not visible on smaller screens
- FIX: Terms machine translation not working properly
- FIX: Product attribute syncing issues
- FIX: Fallback URL missed a slash
- FIX: PHP notices
- INFO: When you meta sync product prices, make sure you sync _regular_price,_sale_price,_price
- FIX: Moved updater into weLaunch framework
- NEW: Dropped Redux Framework support and added our own framework
Read more here:
This ensure auto updates & removes all gutenberg stuff
You can delete Redux (if not used somewhere else) afterwards
- FIX: PHP Notices
- FIX: Having only one translated site caused auto redirection not working
- FIX: Lang & Country Options in wp-admin > general are now prefixed
!!! IMPORTANT !!! You need to update the options for each site again !!!
- FIX: Endpoint issue with product links
- NEW: Add multiple menus to country selector
- FIX: Mobile country selector dropdown CSS
- FIX: Redirect check if only 1 blog exists
- NEW: Machine Translate comments
- FIX: Added redirect checks
- FIX: Sync function returned to wrong data and redirected wrong
- FIX: Product category base URL echo
- FIX: Wrong product URL base
- FIX: Select2 container full width
- FIX: Molly payment issue
- FIX: Rolled back to guzzle version 6.0 (PHP5 Support)
- FIX: DeepL PHP error
- FIX: Updated all vendor libraries to latest version
- FIX: Mollie Payment issue (Guzzle library)
- FIX: Default categories still set
- FIX: Meta data not syncing / updated
- NEW: Generate WC lookup tables after product copy
- FIX: Removed Google Free Translate from Settings
- FIX: After copy redirect default set to false
- NEW: Default terms no longer gets synced (e.g. uncategorized)
- NEW: Sync terms removes existing ones
- NEW: Sync terms now also work for WooCommerce attributes
- NEW: WooCommerce Attributes will be copied including terms (slug should be the same)
- NEW: WooCommerce Variations will be created when copied
- NEW: Post children will get copied
- NEW: Post copier now also copies custom taxonomies
- NEW: Post copier registers non existing taxonomies
- NEW: Backend adjustments (post_data keys now select field) PLEASE CHECK YOUR SETTINGS
- FIX: PHP notices
- NEW: Posts translation overview tables
- NEW: Init translation tables
Clicking the button below will initially fill the translation tables. Click this when you installed our plugin in an existing WordPress Multisite.
- FIX: Issue with term attributes not saved correctly
- FIX: Prevent type from beeing deleted when post updated (preparation over overview table)
- NEW: Dropped redux sites_select function
- FIX: removed google translate free (Google no longer offers this)
- FIX: Updated composer files
- FIX: Create / Edit icons not visible in post / pages overview
- FIX: Font awesome icons changed
- FIX: Additional select2 issues
- FIX: Font awesome admin updated
- FIX: Select2 only executed on single posts in backend
- NEW: Machine translation issues fixed
- NEW: Sync all data default value set to true
- FIX: Changed machine translation class loading priority to support custom post types
- FIX: PHP notices
- FIX: Return if menu position not specified (otherwise it got added to all items)
- FIX: Country selector options more understandable
- NEW: Sync create will now also create meta data
-> Create a product in one site, it will be created with all meta data in all enabled subsites
- NEW: Term sync including creation + parent term creation & assignments (UNIQUE)
- NEW: Copy posts will create parent terms
- NEW: Improved Sync admin panel
- NEW: Post copier issues
- NEW: Added shortcode label parameter for machine translation
- FIX: Machine translation now removes all non utf8 chars
- FIX: Google Translate malformed JSON
- NEW: Increased max flags to 14 and show on terms also
- NEW: Image copier using file name now
- NEW: Select2 field for post / page selection
- FIX: Linked posts show draft, trash etc.
- FIX: Deleting a site now also deleted the UNIQUE INDEX from table (avoid 64 max index)
- NEW: Limited the view of flags in post overviews to 10
- FIX: Show flags / linked posts on excluded sites
- NEW: Machine Translation Data Segmentation
-> Support for HTML inside HTML tags e.g. links, bold, strong texts
-> Support for shortcodes variables "text", "heading" and "tooltip"
- FIX: Cleaned / shortend the languages
- FIX: Country selector dropdown not working on some themes
- FIX: Options panel broken
- NEW: Theme mods now also supported
- NEW: Switched wp_set_post_terms to wp_set_object_terms for custom post type taxonomy support
- NEW: Added info window in general settings to show where to find site settings
- NEW: Moved default source language to machine translation settings
- NEW: Added examples in general settings for alternate & local settings
- FIX: Override blog settings not working
- FIX: Added is_wp_error check for image upload
- NEW: Image debug in advanced settings. Enable this when product images do not get copied over
- NEW: When copying posts and terms do not exists they will be created an linked automatically
- NEW: It is now possible to copy the MAIN blog (id 1)
- NEW: Remove white spaces from API keys to avoid errors
- FIX: Categories for blog id 1 not translated correctly
- FIX: Switched table creation to utf8_general_ci to support older databases
- FIX: PHP Notice
- FIX: Machine Translation Gutenberg support (changed button with a checkbox)
- FIX: Shop page URL not connected correctly
- FIX: php notice check variable
- FIX: Copy blog / site performance
- FIX: Copy site not matched post / term translations
- FIX: Machine translation enabled
- NEW: User Sync, Create / Delete Posts on Sync, Images gets copied
- NEW: User Sync (new registered users can be added to all blogs)
- NEW: Delete or Trash connected posts on Sync
- NEW: Sync all post Data / All post Meta fields instead of defining each separately
- NEW: Copy posts also now copies the feature image + product gallery images
- FIX: Redirect to default site also for backend
- FIX: Sorting no longer possible in backend
- FIX: Error message when terms edited and enter pressed
- NEW: Auto redirection to best language
- NEW: Copy complete blog functionality
- FIX: Source blog not available
- FIX: Posts not showing in dropdown
- Inital release
- sync child posts (product variations)
- sync woo orders? not possible (dup IDs)
- sync terms same as done for posts incl. term image
Il n’y a pas encore d’avis.