(4 customer reviews)

WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips


Automatically create PDF Invoices for your WooCommerce Order with our plugin. Attach invoices to order emails, show in order details or on the thank you page. And the best? The invoice data, layout and everything is fully customizable.

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Automatic PDF Invoice Generator for WooCommerce

Woocommerce PDF Invoices is a fully featured automatic invoice generator

There are several significant benefits to using the PDF format when creating WooComerce store invoices. Fixed formatting ensures that invoice information is always clearly legible. This builds trust among customers. Namely, by facilitating streamlined accounting and easy referencing of order details.

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example PDF invoice in WooCommerce

The Easy Way to Generate PDF Invoices in WooCommerce

The WooCommerce PDF Invoices plugin makes creating PDF invoices easy. After installation, WooCommerce store owners are presented with a simple, yet highly-intuitive back office area. From here, store managers can customize all appropriate invoice information.

  • WooCommerce invoice headers can feature custom logos and images
  • Company address details are editable in a dedicated WISIWYG area.
  • Custom intro and outro texts can be applied to different invoice types
  • A variety of layout and formatting options make creating branded invoices easy

WooCommerce PDF Invoices also supports editing of invoices post-purchase. This way, order information can be updated to reflect amended product, price, and customer details.

View Example PDF Invoice

Accurate & Automatic Invoice Generation

As an automatic invoice generator, WooCommerce PDF Invoices creates invoices as orders are processed. Invoice order numbers, pricing, tax, and other details, benefit from 100% accuracy. This helps WooCommerce store owners (and customers) streamline accounting and record keeping.

  • Invoices are generated and delivered automatically via email and direct download
  • As a WordPress invoice plugin, PDF Invoices works out of the box and integrates flawlessly with WordPress and WooCommerce
  • Generated invoices automatically detect store currencies and other key settings
order complete
invoice mail attachments

Attach Invoices Automatically to Emails

WooCommerce PDF Invoices can automatically attach generated invoices to customer order confirmation emails.

Store customers and administrators can also download invoices directly. For secure accounting, original invoice copies are stored securely and easily recalled. However, refunds, discounts, tax rates, and delivery address details, can still be applied post-purchase.

Fully Customizable

Ubiquitous formatting ensures that PDF invoice details are always clearly legible. (And compliant with modern accounting standards.) However, WooCommerce PDF Invoices also allows store owners to fully brand invoices.

  • Store owners can easily change invoice store logos and images
  • Custom padding options allow store owners to alter invoice layouts
  • Text color, size, and custom font options allow for easy customization of invoice dat
  • Header and footer styles and layouts are fully customizable

The WooCommerce PDF Invoice generator also comes equipped with out of the box default settings. This way, store owners can create custom invoice styles after install and revert to default options at any time.

fully customizable
packing slips

Packing Slips Generation

Beside invoices, our plugin can also create packing slips automatically. These can be attached to shop owner emails or downloaded from backend. Print and add them to your packed orders or give them to your logistics team.

  • Automatic Packing Slips Generator
  • Attach to shop owner Emails
  • Print with ease

Live Preview Invoices

While editing invoice layout and header options, WooCommerce store owners can view a live preview of finished invoices. This allows for easy customization. As a bonus, live previews can include real order data for guaranteed accuracy.

Easy Custom Content Creation

WooCommerce PDF Invoices compiles data from all order variables. Reduced tax, standard tax, and variable product price data, is organized into pricing tables and used to calculate total invoice values automatically.

As a bonus, the WooCommerce PDF invoice generator can also be configured to display custom intro and outro texts. Meanwhile, images and custom HTML can be used to further enhance invoice designs.

live invoice backend preview
example WooCommerce PDF invoice

Custom Header & Footer

Adding a custom fixed header with (or without) a logo to an invoice is a fantastic way to boost store brand exposure. Custom headers help invoices stand out from those of generic competitors. Better yet, better brand visibility means that invoices can work as subtle marketing tools in their own right.

  • WooCommerce PDF Invoices allow store owners to configure header and footer colors
  • Logos and images can be used to decorate areas above important text fields
  • Store owners can choose from several different page numbering and text layout options

Header customization options are applied to all invoices simultaneously. This saves time styling and creates a fantastic impression on store customers

Bulk & Single Backend Download

Shop owners have it easy to download invoices or packing slips directly from wp-admin dashboard. Either by clicking on the download icons on the right or by using bulk actions to download multiple pdf invoices or slips.

  • Bulk download
  • Direct download
bulk download invoices or packing slips in backend

4 reviews for WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips

  1. barbarez

    Customer support replies within 3-5 hours.
    Good one. Plugin is quite good and I believe the Team behind will keep improving it.

  2. raunaq12

    the plugin is easy to setup user friendly and the developer team is also nice helped with customization i required and also released an update for my issue so that no body else again needs same customisation done…..

  3. Shanea

    I will say the plugin is very easy to use and customize. The only downfall is that when you bulk download it downloads as single files and you do not have an option to bulk print. This can be very time consuming.

  4. Armen

    The plugin is really very good, but it does not have a section for creating and editing Packing Slips

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Which Invoice Data Fields can I use?

You can use ALL data fields, that are available in your regular WooCommerce order in our PDF Invoice plugin. This also includes custom meta keys. Data is placed with curly brackets like {{billing_first_name}}. id qr_code ...

View or Create WooCommerce PDF Invoices

If you have enabled to create PDF Invoices automatically for all order in WooCommerce you or the customer can see & download them in the following ways: Orders Overview In WP-Admin > Order > Overview you can download invoices and...

WooCommerce PDF Invoice Tax Settings

If you work with different taxes (e.g. reduced and standard rates) you need to make sure the following WooCommerce settings are configured: Display Prices during checkout -> excluding tax Display tax total -> itemized Give your taxes...

How to show taxes as new line in the WooCommerce PDF Invoice?

To show the total taxes as a new row in your invoices, you need to make some WooCommerce setting changes. Go to WooCommerce in your wp-admin, then open the settings and tax page. There change "Display prices during cart and checkout" to...

How to add own PDF / custom documents to WooCommerce Email orders

It is possible to add a custom / own created PDF document to WooCommerce order emails. In plugin settings > general you will see an option to add up to 3 additional documents, that you can set. add additional PDFs to WooCommerce order...

How to center columns in WooCommerce PDF Invoice?

If you want to center some columns inside the WooCommerce PDF invoice you will need to enter some custom CSS. The CSS has to be added into the advanced settings section of our plugin. Here is an example for centering price and quantity...

Hide Extra Product Options & Meta in WooCommerce PDF Invoice?

If you use "WooCommerce TM Extra Product Options" or a similar plugin, these options will also show up in the WooCommerce PDF invoice. This can make the invoice very long and unreadable. So if you only need to indicate the name of the product...


# Changelog
- FIX:	Invoice not visible in backend when our multilingual multisite plugin > media sync enabled

- FIX:	Updated MPDF to latest version (PHP 8.3)
- FIX:	woocommerce_pdf_invoices_numbers autoload false
- FIX:	Preview not working
- FIX:	MEta not showing (HPOS)
- FIX:	error with OrderRefund

- NEW:	Sequential Order numbering
- NEW:	WC item label now shows in one row
- NEW:	Filter woocommerce_pdf_invoices_product_price_html
- NEW:	Filter woocommerce_pdf_invoices_footer_type_html
- NEW:	Custom document titles
- NEW:	Filter woocommerce_pdf_invoices_document_title
- FIX:	Bulk actions not shown in HPOS mode
- FIX:	Invoice not updated after refund
- FIX:	PAge number not shown
- FIX:	Totals Shipping with taxes not working

- FIX:	Footer item not showing
- FIX:	HPOS Meta box support

- NEW:	Removed text alignment in header & footer
		You have to set the text alignment in the header text element in backend yourself
- NEW:	Added support for WP Overnight Barcodes
- NEW:	Added field "discount total"
- NEW:	WooCommere HPOS Support
- NEW:	Custom Invoice File name
- FIX:	Customer meta data overwritten order meta data like shipping_city
		customer meta data keys are prefixed now with "customer_"
		! IMPORTANT: Check your configuration when you use user meta data !
- FIX:	using / in pdf invoice names caused an issue with bulk downloading
- FIX:	Updated NL Translations (thanks to Robert Kersten - Trolly Town Studio)

- NEW:	woocommerce_pdf_invoices_mpdf_config
- FIX:	Removed unused CSS
- FIX:	Only {{date}} in suffix invoice number not generated
- FIX:	Added $order->save(); to clear WC order meta caches

- NEW:	Show & Sort Fees in Totals Data
- NEW:	When guest user customer_id returns Guest
- NEW:	Disable automatic VAT Percentage Calculation
- NEW:	Attach product specific documents to Emails
- NEW:	Integrations Options
- NEW:	SUpport for MAME Barcode plugin
- FIX:	Error for Backorder Emails
- FIX:	Error when using custom order status plugin
- FIX:	Updated all translation files
- FIX:	Item meta not showing

- FIX:	When only completed status was checked for invoice generation
		it did not inserted the invocie number on PDFs sent out
- FIX:	Stripe refunds caused 500 error
- FIX:	Description field translation not visible in admin panel

- NEW:	Added a new variable "coupons_used" showing all coupon names applied
- FIX:	Fatal error for creating order in backend

- NEW:	Set a custom Invoice Start Number
- NEW:	Choose bar code value: invoice number or QR code
- NEW:	Show old invoices
- FIX:	Invoice not created on order emial sent
- FIX:	Arabic support in backend

- NEW:	Added support for our delivery plugin:
- NEW:	Totals data enable
- NEW:	Multi Currency support
- NEW:	Show QR code in Invoice {{qr_code}}
- NEW:	Show Barc in Invoice {{barcode}}
- NEW:	Added Shipping excl. Taxes totals option
- NEW:	Added Shipping Taxes totals option
- FIX:	Subtotal wrong when products shown without taxes
- FIX:	Custom fonts PHP array issue

- FIX:	Invoice not attached to emails

- NEW:	Option to create invoices & numbers only on certain Order status
- FIX:	Invoice created for orders with excluded status
- FIX:	Invoice number wrong created
- FIX:	Undefined index title php notice

- NEW:	Show refunded total
- NEW:	In- and Exclude user roles
- NEW:	Show discounted line items:
- NEW:	Updated all translations
		Italian, German, French, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish etc.
- FIX:	Single discount column shows negative value now instead of positive discount

- NEW:	Added discount / coupon to order total data to show settings
- FIX:	Line total wrong calculated

!!! IMPORTANT Check & Save your Settings after update IMPORTANT !!!

- NEW:	Reveamped data to show sections
		You can not reorder item & total data and enable / disable it
		New fields for sub & total with or without Tax introduced
- NEW:	Moved item row color settings to layout section
- NEW:	Moved outro text to top
- FIX:	Product item taxes show tax label now (only when more than 1 tax rate applied)
- FIX:	Price TH not aligned right
- FIX:	Removed QR code option

- NEW:	Tax including text now contains variables
		IMPORTANT: Check this setting after update
- FIX:	Updated MPDF library to support PHP 8.0
- FIX:	Added MPDF QR Code library
- FIX:	weLaunch framework load prio 1

- NEW:	Dropped Redux Framework support and added our own framework 
		Read more here: https://www.welaunch.io/en/2021/01/switching-from-redux-to-our-own-framework
		This ensure auto updates & removes all gutenberg stuff
		You can delete Redux (if not used somewhere else) afterwards
- FIX:	IMPORTANT! Renamed the original file name ! IMPORTANT
- FIX:	jQUery load deprecated

- NEW:	Added an option to show discount / coupon total amount
- NEW:	Saved value now contains sale + coupon amount

- NEW:	Added an option to show long & short description
- NEW:	Added an option to show saved price for sale products in total
- FIX:	Removed Help taks

- NEW:	Add a invoice number suffix
- FIX:	Shipping tax costs not showed in tax rates

- NEW:	Better wc item lable styling
- NEW:	Bulk download also now contains invoice number as PDF file
- FIX:	if date variable not used invoice number wrong

- NEW:	Hide cart subtotal, payment or shipping method:
- FIX:	Products missing from pdf invoice

- NEW:	If invoice number exists, the invoice file will also be named like this
- FIX:	Manual order creation now also creates invoice number & invoice pdf

- FIX:	Create order manually issue

- NEW:	Guest users can download PDF from Thank you page through hash key check

- NEW:	Added PHP 7.4 support
- NEW:	Updated the MPDF Rendering Engine from Version 7 to 8
- NEW:	Added date format compatiblity for date_completed & date_paid

- FIX:	Updated POT File
- FIX:	Updated WPML Keys with lastest added features

- NEW:	Show product attributes below product name
		Example: https://imgur.com/a/edCuvqt

- FIX:	Total table head not right aligned
- FIX:	Option name in backend wrong for VAT in Percent
- FIX:	VAT percentage calculation not working when tax class empty

- NEW:	Added 2 new fields:
		- one for show total price without VAT
		- one for VAT in percentage

- NEW: 	Show product price without taxes setting
		Demo: https://imgur.com/a/jFk3Ati
- FIX:	Select order preview shown on all admin pages

- NEW:	You can add custom PDFs now to mail attachments & Customer thank you / order page
		Examples: https://imgur.com/a/Gk34zFz
- FIX:	Added CSS classes to download PDF in thank you page
- FIX:	Updated POT

- NEW:	Added classes to all td and th table cells
- FIX:	Total column options not working
- FIX:	Key filter not working

- NEW:	Added more than 10 options to set a custom Colum Name and Width for all data
- NEW:	Show price in packing slips
- NEW:	Created a hook for data to show (saved as an array now) or columns in the PDF for custom Data
		Filter woocommerce_pdf_invoices_data_to_show
		Filter value: woocommrce_pdf_invoices_data_to_show_custom_value_{{KEY Set in array above}}
- FIX:	Updated POT File

- NEW:	Added an option to show total taxes before total order amount
		See General > Show Taxes before Total
		Example: https://imgur.com/a/TXcJPZM

- NEW:	Added a new field for invoice due date (see general > Invoice Due Date Days)
		Use {{invoice_due_date}} as the variable
		Example: https://imgur.com/a/K4SnrUI

- NEW:	Show VAT / taxes per product line
		See Settings > Content > Show Product VAT

- FIX:	If a product is variation and has not an own image assigned it uses the main products image

- NEW:	Added an option to set an own time format (see advanced settings)

- NEW:	Added an option to set the image size

- NEW:	Show Product Image in Invoices
- NEW:	Show Product Dimensions in Invoices
- FIX:	Added a check if product really exists otherwise an error occured
		Note: deleted products can not show Image, SKU or Weight data

- FIX:	Added support for partially refunded order new

- FIX:	Added support for partially refunded order
- FIX:	Invoice not created for on hold orders

- FIX:	PHP Error when order not found

- NEW:	Added an option to enable / disable product links

- FIX:	Manual created orders do not created invoice numbers

- NEW:	State & Country fields are now written out (instead of code)
		if you still want to use the code, then use {{_billing_country}} 
		instead of {{billing_country}}

- NEW:	Use variables in header & footer

- NEW:	Added 24 formats (like A5, A4, A4 Landscape etc)

- FIX:	Update PDF not possible from admin > single order page

- FIX:	Issue with custom order status plugin by WooCommerce

- NEW:	Invoice Numbers are now possible
		See settings > Invoice Numbers
		After defining your invoice data you should regenerate invoice numbers
		In PDF invoice data you can then use {{invoice_number}} as a variable

- FIX:	Updated POT translations

- FIX:	Date not translated

- FIX:	Preview frame opened in theme options when ID exists

- NEW:	Set your own order status types for sending email pdf attachments
- NEW:	Added user Meta Data to variables you can use in the PDF Invoice

- NEW:	Hide or show sku, price, quantity etc.
- FIX:	Multiple PHP Notices

- FIX:	PHP Notice
- NEW:	Added Packing Slips plugin as seperate plugin

- NEW:	Credit Note PDFs supported and attached 
		to refunded order Emails
- NEW:	Filters for apply_filters function
- FIX:	Security fix for logged in customers

- NEW: 	Added translation languages:
		-> da_DK
		-> de_DE
		-> en_US
		-> en_US
		-> es_ES
		-> fr_FR
		-> it_IT
		-> nl_NL
		-> pt_PT
		-> ru_RU
		-> sv_SE
- FIX:	Updated POT File
- FIX:	Updated WPML config

- Inital release

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