To show the regular or sale price in a WooCommerce PDF invoice is easy. But what if you want to show a custom meta field like the RRP / UVP price below the regular price?

If you want to achieve this using our WooCommerce invoice PDF plugin, you can add the following snippet to your child theme.

The meta key used is “bm_rrp” (RRP Price). Of course you can change this to whatever you want.

add_filter( 'woocommerce_pdf_invoices_product_price_html', function($price_html, $item, $product) {

    $uvp = $product->get_meta('bm_rrp');
    if(!empty($uvp)) {
        $price_html .= '
UVP: ' . wc_price($uvp); } return $price_html; }, 20, 3);

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