(13 valoraciones de clientes)

Productos de impresión de WooCommerce (PDF)


Transforme una sola página de producto de WooCommerce en un llamativo folleto PDF listo para su descarga instantánea. Exporte fácilmente productos individuales como PDF, Word o impresión. Elige lo que quieres mostrar y quién debe poder ver los botones de exportación.

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La manera más fácil de exportar páginas de productos

A los clientes de WooCommerce les encanta guardar búsquedas de productos llamativos para consultarlos más tarde WooCommerce Print Products hace esto posible En concreto, permitiendo a los compradores y a los propietarios de las tiendas descargar cualquier página de producto de WooCommerce como un folleto con formato profesional en Word o PDF

El plugin Print Products WooCommerce facilita la descarga de cualquier página de producto de WooCommerce como un folleto PDF con formato profesional Adecuado sólo para páginas de productos individuales, los propietarios de las tiendas tienen un control total sobre cómo se presentan las páginas exportadas El plugin Print Products también permite a los propietarios de la tienda conceder o denegar los permisos de exportación a diferentes usuarios de la tienda

example product PDF leaflet

Folletos en PDF totalmente personalizables

WooCommerce Print Products pone una variedad de herramientas de personalización al alcance de los administradores de la tienda

En el back office del plugin de WooCommerce, los propietarios de las tiendas pueden crear encabezados y pies de página personalizados para las páginas de productos en PDF Las fuentes personalizadas y el texto adicional (no visible en las páginas de productos de WooCommerce en línea), también se pueden utilizar para añadir información adicional del producto y llamadas a la acción

  • Elija entre 3 diseños diferentes de folletos para imprimir
  • Muestre las opciones de productos variables en dos estilos de formato llamativos
  • Añadir texto de catálogo personalizado antes de los detalles del producto

Los propietarios de tiendas también pueden añadir códigos QR de productos a las páginas del catálogo en PDF De esta manera, los espectadores de folletos fuera de línea pueden ser redirigidos fácilmente a los listados en línea y a las áreas de pago

Ver ejemplo en PDF

Exportar productos individuales de WooCommerce como PDF y Word o imprimir

El formato omnipresente significa que los PDF de las páginas de productos de WooCommerce conservan su aspecto en el PC y en los dispositivos móviles Sin embargo, el plugin Print Products WooCommerce también puede utilizarse para descargar folletos de productos en formato MS Word

En el back office de Productos de Impresión, los propietarios de la tienda de WooCommerce seleccionan las opciones de impresión, PDF o exportación de MS Word que desean que aparezcan en las páginas de los productos Después de la configuración, las diferentes opciones de descarga aparecen como iconos en los escaparates

Ver demostración del producto
WooCommerce export single products as PDF

Personalizar el diseño del PDF

WooCommerce Print Products can be used to create printable Word and PDF flyers for single product pages only. (To create a full PDF WooCommerce store brochure, see theWooCommerce PDF Catalog plugin.) However, plugin customization options still allow store owners to create catalog-quality PDF leaflets.

  • Añadir pies de página y cabeceras personalizadas con fondo de color y soporte de texto
  • Estilice los folletos con la misma profesionalidad que las páginas del catálogo real
  • Muestre todos los atributos del producto y añada descripciones adicionales e información de la tienda

Los PDF de las páginas de producto de WooCommerce también son ideales para su uso en campañas de marketing por correo electrónico, y pueden estar disponibles para su descarga directa en las plataformas de redes sociales

Opciones de datos personalizables

Los clientes de WooCommerce interactúan con los medios online y offline de forma diferente Los detalles de las unidades de mantenimiento de existencias (SKU) y las reseñas de los productos no siempre son adecuados para incluirlos en las hojas de datos en PDF El plugin Print Products WooComerce, por lo tanto, permite a los administradores de la tienda especificar qué información del listado debe y no debe ser exportada

  • Elija qué detalles de precios y SKU (si los hay) se muestran en los PDF exportados
  • Especifique qué imágenes de la galería deben aparecer junto a las descripciones
  • En lugar de texto redundante, añada nuevos textos y llamadas a la acción para vender productos más caros
Ver demostración de administración
plugin settings

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¿Cómo puedo evitar que Google indexe las exportaciones de PDF?

Si quieres que Google deje de indexar las exportaciones en PDF de entradas, productos o categorías, debes excluir los parámetros de URL en Google Search Console.Aquí puedes ver un ejemplo de cómo hacerlo:Parámetros de URL en Google Search...

¿Cómo puedo añadir fuentes personalizadas a mis archivos PDF?

No ofrecemos fuentes personalizadas por defecto debido a las licencias. You can read here how to implement custom Fonts:https://mpdf.github.io/fonts-languages/fonts-en-mpdf-7-x.html

¿Las imágenes PDF de los productos de impresión no se cargan?

First please make sure, that you are not on a localhost AND do not have any .htaccess / .passwd en su servidor. Debido a que nuestro plugin utiliza HTTP para obtener las imágenes para la creación de PDF y si su servidor bloquea las imágenes de...

¿Los iconos para imprimir PDF no aparecen en la página del producto?

Prueba a cambiar la posición del icono así: Ir a WP-Admin > WooCommerce > Imprimir configuración de productos Cambia "Posición del icono" una vez Vuelva a cargar la página del producto y compruebe si aparece el icono PDF. Si no aparece...

¿Cómo puedo cambiar los iconos de exportación de productos por una imagen?

Sólo tienes que introducir este CSS personalizado y sustituir la URL del icono..fa-file-pdf-o:before, .fa-file-word-o:before, .fa-print:before { contenido: "" !importante;}.fa-file-pdf-o { imagen de fondo:...


# Changelog
- FIX:	Attributes table not showing for variations in cart PDF zip

- NEW:	Show Related products
- FIX:	Added Inter font
- FIX:	Changed actual link method
- FIX:	Issue with sale price showing screen reader text 
		(original price was etc.)

- NEW:	Export cart as product PDFs
- NEW:	Exclude product types
- FIX:	Updated MPDF to latest version

- NEW:	Move product title below image in 2nd layout
- FIX:	PHP Error

- NEW:	Option to disable font awesome
- NEW:	Hide weight / dimensions in attributes
- NEW:	Added Barlow Condensed Font
- NEW:	Added Calibri Font
- FIX:	Chinese & Thai font support

- FIX:  Backend layout images missing
- FIX:	Removed ":" from meta keys (you need to add them yourself now)

- NEW:	Added support for DIVI Shortcodes
- NEW:	Added 3 custom blocks you can use with filter:
- NEW: 	Append custom PDFs
- NEW:	Link product name option
- NEW:	Custom PDF File name
- NEW:	Set variation image size & move price to last column
- FIX:	Modified CURL User Agent to comply with siteground firewall
		'curlUserAgent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:110.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/110.0',
- FIX:	PHP NOtice
- FIX:	Replaced $_SERVER with get_site_url()

- NEW:	Add extra texts before or after a product
- FIX:	Date in Export information not Translated
- FIX:	Empty ACF fields show in PDF
- FIX:	Fatal error when using categores in header / footer

- NEW:	Sort & Order custom Meta fields:
- NEW:	Show attribute value description
- NEW:	Added 4 cols header & footer options
- NEW:	Hide specific attributes in PDF
- NEW:	Removed inline styling on header & footer elements
- NEW:	2 Options to disable CURL SSL validation & follow 302 Redirects
- NEW:	FIlter for 
- FIX:	PHP Notice icon variable
- FIX:	Using FULL Image URL now for main image

- NEW:	Added Martel Sans font
- NEW:	Added explicit option to enable support for our group attributes plugin
		& added 2 options to hide more & name
- NEW:	Description field has an own input field in admin
- FIX:	Texts before footer & after header not working
- FIX:	Updates not possible
- FIX:	Hide empty ACF Fields
- FIX:	Meta keys container move from Span to DIV
- FIX:	Group attributs plugin closing div missing

- NEW:	Set custom featured image background color for layout 2
- NEW:	Use SKU as Filename
- NEW:	Added poppins font
- FIX:	Space missing in meta keys 3rd layout
- FIX:	{{current_date}} wrong data

- NEW:	Support for our Attribute Images / Variation Swatches plugin
- NEW:	Variation export only shows selected attributes
- NEW:	Use {{current_date}} in header / footer
- NEW:	Added Mulish font
- FIX:	Updated WPML Keys

- NEW:	New Template 8th (customized)
- NEW:	Show Barcode (e.g. EAN13)
- NEW:	Added Gallery Images Headline option
- NEW:	Filter for MPDF Settings
- FIX:	Removed Table border spacing
- FIX:	General CSS fixes

- NEW:	Added short description to order blocks
- NEW:	Added Variation Stock Status & Quantity options:
- NEW:	Optimized shortcode and added show_icon parameter:
- NEW:	Added DE, NL, IT, FR Translations
- NEW:	Added support for ACF repeater fields

- NEW:	Option to hide the attribute links 
- NEW:	Upgraded to font awesome 5 included package
- NEW:	Meta keys take parent product ID not variation ID
- FIX:	QR code size not working
- FIX:	Removed woo 2.X support
- FIX:	Layout 2 showed | seperator even when SKU was hidden
- FIX:	Updated MPDF library to support PHP 8.0
- FIX:	PHP Notices

- NEW:	filter for custom header / footer data: woocommerce_print_products_header_footer_data
- FIX:	filename contained a space before .pdf
- FIX:	WPML keys missing for buttons

- NEW:	Option to set the export button text in backend:
- FIX:	Attribute title not showing in data to show options

- NEW:	Added support for tierd pricing plugin from WooCommerce
- NEW:	Added 4 more hooks

- NEW:	Dropped Redux Framework support and added our own framework 
		Read more here: https://www.welaunch.io/en/2021/01/switching-from-redux-to-our-own-framework
		This ensure auto updates & removes all gutenberg stuff
		You can delete Redux (if not used somewhere else) afterwards
- NEW:	When variation image is empty it fallsback to variable image
- NEW:	When variation short description is empty it fallsback to variable short description

- FIX:	When empty attributes a 1 was returned / displayed in PDF

- FIX:	undefined ß contstant php warning

- NEW:	Watermark option HAPPY CHRIStMAS
- NEW:	Custom post data section and ACF Support

- NEW:	Support for our own Gallery Images plugin 
- NEW:	Filter for final HTML contains all data now as 3rd object
- NEW:	Variation image fallback to main image
- FIX:	Filter contains 3rd data
- FIX:	Variations title padding

- FIX:	PHP notices
- FIX:	Updated POT / Language files
- FIX:	Variation Attributes displayed as numeric values

- FIX: 	Added roboto font
- FIX:	Group attributes support not working

- NEW:	Big Performance Release 
- FIX:	Updated Docs

- NEW:	Single Variation PDF Export can be disabled

- NEW:	Layout 6 & layout 7
- NEW:	Added support for Additional Variation Images Gallery for WooCommerce Plugin
- NEW:	Notes content item
- NEW:	use {{product_name}} variable in header / footer
- NEW:	Better custom header / footer styling
- FIX:	PHP issue with table mode
		Access level to WooCommerce_Print_Products_Public::get_option() must be protected

- NEW:	Variations are now supported to be exported as PDF directly (not just the variable)
- FIX:	QRCode Class missing

- NEW:	Added PHP 7.4 support
- NEW:	Updated the MPDF Rendering Engine from Version 7 to 8

- NEW:	Performance boost through making exlusions optional. get_posts for exlusions 
		was a performance killer. 
		Demo: https://imgur.com/a/8uswUtq

- NEW:	Print Product Templates
		Read more here: https://welaunch.io/plugins/woocommerce-print-products/faq/create-use-print-pdf-templates/

- FIX:	Group attributes integration not working

- NEW:	Created a new template (vesion 5)
		Example: https://imgur.com/a/wAVQlG4 (from on HazTec)
- NEW:	Show / Hide Description or Attribute title
- NEW:	Set max gallery images: https://imgur.com/a/gOpkYYT

- NEW:	Added an option to set custom gallery image size types
- NEW:	Added an option to get images locally in advanced settings
		You can see images protected by htpasswd then
- FIX:	PHP Notice fix

- FIX:	Upgraded to Font Awesome 5.12.1
- FIX:	Icons not visible in backend

- NEW:	Generate PDF, Word or Print directly from the backend
		When you edit a product or in product overview: https://imgur.com/a/XUukg2N
- NEW:	Readded the exclusion functionality
- NEW:	Added transient caching
- NEW:	Enable backend or fronted exporting separately
- NEW:	Enable backend product list / single product page export separately
- FIX:	Code improvements

- NEW:	Added visual composer support

- NEW:	Added transient caching for meta keys in admin panel
- FIX:	Removed exclusions for products for performance

- NEW:	Added "the_content" and more default Woo Hooks to the icon position
- NEW:	Added priority option for the icons
- NEW:	Support for Yoast Primary Category for Header > Category Description

- NEW:	Created a new template (4)

- NEW:	Option to move SKU under the product title
- FIX:	Readded support for format (A4, landscape etc)

- FIX:	Get attributes function updated to latest Woo Standard (inches issue)
- FIX:	Custom meta keys stored as array will be output as string delimited by comma

- NEW:	Option to hide the Gallery Images Intro Title
- FIX:	Switched table header to DIV
- FIX:	Header & Footer widht / height can be set to 0

- NEW:	Option to set a custom Meta Key Separator in Data to Show
- NEW:	Check for empty meta values

- NEW:	Added multiple new filters:

		// Data Filters
		apply_filters('woocommerce_print_products_title', $this->post->post_title);
		apply_filters('woocommerce_print_products_short_description', do_shortcode($this->post->post_excerpt));
		apply_filters('woocommerce_print_products_price', $price);
		apply_filters('woocommerce_print_products_description', $this->post->post_content);
		apply_filters('woocommerce_print_products_meta_keys', $temp);

		// Modify the whole layout
		apply_filters('woocommerce_print_products_product_html', $this->get_first_layout(), $this->data->ID); 

		// Custom HTML 
		apply_filters('woocommerce_print_products_before_product_info_html', '', $this->data->ID); 
		apply_filters('woocommerce_print_products_after_product_info_html', '', $this->data->ID); 

		// HTML Strings
		apply_filters('woocommerce_print_products_product_description_html', ob_get_clean(), $this->data->ID);
		apply_filters('woocommerce_print_products_product_attributes_html', ob_get_clean(), $this->data->ID);
		apply_filters('woocommerce_print_products_product_attributes_html', ob_end_clean(), $this->data->ID);
		apply_filters('woocommerce_print_products_product_reviews_html', ob_get_clean(), $this->data->ID);
		apply_filters('woocommerce_print_products_product_upsells_html', ob_get_clean(), $this->data->ID);
		apply_filters('woocommerce_print_products_product_gallery_images_html', ob_get_clean(), $this->data->ID);
		apply_filters('woocommerce_print_products_product_variations_html', ob_get_clean(), $this->data->ID);

- FIX:	Dimensions displayed
- FIX:	Performance Increase
- FIX:	Updated Documentation

- FIX:	hr was replaced with a div and class hr
		with makes it easier to hide it via background-color: #fff for example

- FIX:	Google Fonts missing

- FIX:	Performance (admin panel only loads for admins now)
- FIX:	Removed TGM

- NEW:	Added support for our custom Tab plugin:

- NEW:	Moved all 3 Layouts from "Table" to "DIV"
		This gives you more styling possibilites using custom CSS
		If you want to revert back read next line:
- NEW:	Added option to go back to Table View (see advanced Settings)
- FIX:	Added compatibility to ATUM plugin
- FIX:	Cannot find TTF TrueType font file DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf

- NEW:	Filter for Meta Keys, so you can reorder / change value / add own to them
- NEW:	Show Stock Status

- NEW:	Option to show the export icons as buttons
		See Settings > General > Icon Type

- NEW:	Option to Show first product category description in Header or Footer

- NEW:	Show product categories in Header or Footer

- NEW:	Variation Attributes will now be better displayed
- FIX:	Variation Description not found

- NEW:	Added an option to not convert description to table
		See Data to Show > Do not convert Description to Table
- FIX:	Strip images not working

- NEW:  Added Support for your Group Attributes Plugin

- FIX: 	Removed WooCommerce translations and changed to plugin ones
		Make sure you go to Loco Translate and translate 
		the woocommerce-print-products plugin there

- NEW:  Layout 4

!!!! MPDF 7 requires at least PHP 5.6 				!!!!
!!!! Do NOT update if you are on a lower Version 	!!!!
- NEW:  PHP 7.2. Support
- NEW:  Moved MPDF to vendor folder for composer support
- NEW:  Option to enable MPDF Debugging (images, fonts)
- FIX:  Upgraded MPDF Rendering Engine to Version 7.0.3

- FIX:  Issue with strange meta keys

- NEW:  4 x new Filters:
- FIX:  Added BR tag after custom meta key
- FIX:  Added CSS classes to custom meta keys

- NEW: Get paramter product_id will override the shortcodes id attribute

- NEW: WPML Support 
- NEW: New option "Data to show" > "Try executing shortcodes in description"
	   Disable this if you have issues with shortcodes in your post_content

- NEW:  Shortcode support – Example:
		[print_product id="76" mode="pdf" text="Print Product (ID 76)"]
- NEW:  Shortcode rendering in header / footer

- FIX:  Plugin initial code updated in order to use hooks

- NEW:  Support for Custom Post Fields (see data to show)
	    All custom meta keys for products will be shown there
- NEW:	Added New Font Families: 
		Droid Sans, Droid Serif, Lato, Lora, Merriweather, 
		Montserrat, Open sans, Open Sans Condensed, Oswald, 
		PT Sans, Source Sans Pro, Slabo, Raleway
- NEW: 	Limit access to specific user roles
- FIX:  Small Tweaks

- FIX: Print functionality

- FIX: WooCommerce 3.0 variable products compatibility

- FIX: Plugin activation check
- FIX: WooCommerce 3.0 compatibility
- FIX: Gallery Images overwritten by custom filter

- NEW: Shortcode support in short description

- FIX: Removed comments from PDF file when viewed in Chrome

- FIX: For old PHP Version

- NEW: You can now add a custom Text after the Header 
- NEW: You can now add a custom Text before the Footer 
- NEW: Template Nr. 3 has arrived -> see Layouts
- NEW: You can now include / exclude products
- NEW: You can now include / exclude product categories
- NEW: Custom Meta Free Text can be added. This will be placed after the short description
- NEW: Debug Mode (this will prevent PDF from render and display the plain HTML)
- NEW: Set a custom Feature Image size
- NEW: Added many CSS classes to better use the Custom CSS
- FIX: Font-size and Line Height issue (switched to PX)

- NEW: Updated MPDF Library to Version 6.1 (this also removes PHP 7 errors)
- NEW: decreased plugin size by 10MB (removed 2 fonts)

- NEW: Better plugin activation
- FIX: Better advanced settings page (ACE Editor for CSS and JS )
- FIX: array key exists

- FIX: Redux Error

- NEW: Removed the embedded Redux Framework for update consistency

- FIX: Remove shortcodes from description
- FIX: Print Function fixes for certain browsers

- FIX: Print Function fixes 

- NEW: Do not display the next pagebreak if an element is empty (e.g. there are no gallery images)
- NEW: Show Title, Caption, Alt Text or Decsription of your Product gallery images
- FIX: Print Function fixes for Safari and Firefox
- FIX: Updated translation files

- NEW: removed unnecessary files to reduce plugin file size

- NEW: show product variations
- NEW: show / hide variation image
- NEW: show / hide variation sku
- NEW: show / hide variation description
- NEW: show / hide variation attributes
- NEW: extra class in each title element (e.g. description-title)
- NEW: pagebreak now also in print

- FIX: product upsells title
- FIX: gallery images quality
- FIX: reviews heading text 
- FIX: Russian ruble symbol
- NEW: display a QR-Code blow product short description to your product page
- NEW: display a QR-Code in header / footer to your product page

- FIX: print windows now closes after print / abort 
- FIX: Word document special characters
- FIX: Paragraph tags are now splitted in table rows
- NEW: set header height 
- NEW: set header top margin
- NEW: set header vertical alignment
- NEW: set foooter height 
- NEW: set foooter top margin
- NEW: set foooter vertical alignment

- FIX: reviews will now always be displayed text aligned left
- FIX: reviews in print have now valign top
- FIX: image in layout 2 will always be centered
- FIX: text not aligned in layout 1
- NEW: print windows now closes after print / abort

- FIX: removed unused admin CSS / JS

- NEW: product gallery images now possible to add
- NEW: custom CSS now will be executed in PDF / Word / Print exports instead of the website
- NEW: product title will now be used for PDF / Word filename

- FIX: font fix for arabic, chineses and any other special languages

- NEW: now you have the ability to add pagebreaks yourself

- FIX: header and footer text alignment

- FIX: layout images will now be shown in admin UI
- FIX: SKU will now be shown
- NEW: translation of tag / page / categories (please use Loco Translate - Translation comes from WooCommerce itself)
- NEW: line height option for text and heading
- NEW: 3 different header types: 1/1 OR 1/2 + 1/2 OR 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3
- NEW: 3 different footer types: 1/1 OR 1/2 + 1/2 OR 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3
- NEW: reorder the product information like you want 
- NEW: ability to choose the text alignment (left, center, right)

- fixed end of file bug

- Inital release

# Future features

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Con nuestro plugin WooCommerce Catalog Mode puedes convertir tu tienda online en un catálogo de forma sencilla. Oculta los precios, elimina el botón de añadir al carrito, añade un formulario de consulta o utiliza la funcionalidad de carrito de consulta.


Deja que tus clientes exporten su carrito de WooCommerce con nuestro exclusivo plugin. Establece una portada personalizada, añade textos adicionales antes o después de los artículos del carrito u oculta / muestra los datos de los artículos del carrito con facilidad.

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Catálogo WooCommerce PDF


Con nuestro plugin WooCommerce PDF Catalog puede exportar su tienda completa como PDF. Exporta el catálogo completo o sólo las categorías de productos, tú decides. Añade una imagen de portada, muestra una tabla de contenidos y personaliza el diseño a tu gusto.

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