(11 valoraciones de clientes)

Modo catálogo de WooCommerce


Con nuestro plugin WooCommerce Catalog Mode puedes convertir tu tienda online en un catálogo de forma sencilla. Oculta los precios, elimina el botón de añadir al carrito, añade un formulario de consulta o utiliza la funcionalidad de carrito de consulta.

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Convierta su tienda en un catálogo

¿Su tienda de WooCommerce almacena productos especiales o productos que pueden tener un suministro limitado

Directing WooCommerce store customers straight to shopping carts isn’t always the best option for some product vendors. Thankfully,with the WooCommerce Catálogo de productos Mode plugin, stores can be transformed into stylish, easy to navigate, and fully themeable product catalogs.

products with catalog mode enabled

Quitar los precios y reemplazar añadir a la cesta por la consulta

En lugar de los listados de productos estáticos y los enlaces a los carros de compra de las tiendas, el plugin de catálogo de WooCommerce se puede utilizar para ocultar los precios de los productos y añadir una funcionalidad de formulario de consulta directa a los listados de productos

Por supuesto, puede que no siempre sea del interés de los propietarios de la tienda eliminar los precios de los productos y/o la funcionalidad directa al carrito de la compra en todos los listados de productos Con el plugin WooCommerce Catálogo de productos Mode, los usuarios pueden, por lo tanto, especificar diferentes categorías de productos para que se muestren en modo catálogo, mientras que dejan otros artículos de la tienda libres para comprar directamente

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Ocultar los precios de los productos

Después de instalar y activar el plugin WooCommerce Catálogo de productos Mode, los propietarios de las tiendas podrán seleccionar fácilmente las categorías de productos de las que prefieren eliminar los datos de precios Como ventaja adicional, los administradores del sitio también pueden especificar diferentes grupos a los que se aplican diferentes ajustes

Como propietario de una tienda WooCommerce, ¿vendes productos tanto a particulares como a distribuidores mayoristas de mercancías Si es así, el plugin WooCommerce Catálogo de productos se puede utilizar para mostrar su tienda minorista habitual a los visitantes del sitio no registrados Los usuarios registrados, como los mayoristas, mientras tanto, tendrán páginas de catálogo mostradas que están libres de los precios de los productos y de los botones de pedido directo

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price removed
remove add to cart

Consulta directa o de la cesta

Después de activar el plugin WooCommerce Catálogo de productos, los propietarios de las tiendas WooCommerce tienen la opción de eliminar completamente las opciones de ‘Añadir al carrito’ de las páginas de listado de productos Después de la eliminación, los clientes de la tienda tendrán la opción de hacer consultas directas a los propietarios de la tienda sobre los precios y la disponibilidad de los productos

Los botones de consulta directa, totalmente personalizables, son ideales para los mayoristas de bienes y los vendedores de productos especializados, y permiten a los propietarios de las tiendas establecer los precios de los artículos por cliente

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Catálogo de productosFuncionalidad del formulario de consulta

Just like with your regular WooCommerce store set up, using WooCommerce Catálogo de productos Mode allows site visitors to peruse product listings and click through to individual product pages.After clicking through to product pages, though, your customers will be invited to complete a fully themed direct enquiry form, instead of ordering items directly.

Con la configuración aplicable a todo el sitio o a categorías de productos específicas, los propietarios de la tienda WooCommerce pueden elegir qué productos desean que estén disponibles sólo a través de la consulta directa, y cuáles no

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single enquiry form
enquiry cart

Cesta de la compra

Los clientes también pueden solicitar una consulta para varios artículos utilizando nuestra funcionalidad de carrito de consultas Nuestro plugin simplemente reemplaza el carrito existente de WooCommerce Oculta las funcionalidades de pago y añade un botón para enviar una consulta

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Panel de configuración fácil /Todos los plugins de formularios compatibles

Más de 100 opciones dentro de su panel de configuración hacen que sea fácil para usted personalizar nuestro plugin de acuerdo a sus necesidades Activa o desactiva funcionalidades con facilidad, cambia los textos y los elementos de estilo como quieras

Para la funcionalidad de consulta puede utilizar cualquier plugin de formulario de contacto Que sea CF7, Gravity forms, quoform o lo que sea – ¡todos son compatibles

Ver demostración de administración
WooCommerce Catalog Mode Settings

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¿Cómo puedo enviar el SKU / Título del producto en mi formulario de consulta?

Si desea enviar el SKU del productoo o el título del productoo a los campos de su formulario de consulta, debe seguir los siguientes pasos: Por defecto nuestro plugin busca los siguientes dos campos dentro de su formulario: entrada con nombre...

El formulario de consulta se redirige después de enviarlo

Puede ser que se le redirija a una nueva página o que la página se recargue después de haber pulsado el botón de envío del formulario de consulta. Esto se debe a varias razones: En su WP Config se define "WPCF7_LOAD_JS" se define con FALSE....

El formulario de contacto aparece atenuado (por ejemplo, en Avada Theme).

Pleaseadd the following custom CSS:.modal-open #consultaModal.modal,.modal-open #enquiryCartModal.modal { z-index: 999999999999999999;}

La ventana emergente de consulta no está alineada verticalmente

Si ves que el carrito de la compra o la ventana emergente de consulta de un solo producto no están alineados verticalmente, prueba a añadir este CSS personalizado:div#enquiryCartModal { padding-top: 300px}@media (max-width: 768px ) { ...


# Changelog
- NEW:	Exclusion settings now will be used also for the shortcode

- NEW:	Added more classes to enquiry cart checkout remove
- FIX:	Regular / Discount price fix in enquiry cart
- FIX:	PHP 8.2 notices

- NEW:	Option to disable cart redirect
- NEW:	Single product name enquiry field accepts textarea
- NEW:	Remove quantity field
- FIX:	Cart price not shown when excluded
- FIX:	Removed h4 from popup title for SEO
- FIX:	Added ajax on product categories exclude (performance)
- FIX:	Extra product options text wrong
- FIX:	Removed tabindex when popup opened on flatsome
- FIX:	get_categories deprecated
- FIX:	improved woodmart support

- NEW:	Extra product options plugin support
- NEW:	Show custom attributes in the enquiry cart
- NEW:	Strip white spaces from variation data
- NEW: 	Show current URL in form fields
- FIX:	Single Enquiry button hidden on variables even tough always show was enabled
- FIX:	VariationText "null" appeared
- FIX:	Removed validate URL from fields you can use local scroll links

- NEW:	Show Quantity in single product enquiry form
- NEW:	Added support for custom Avada / Enfold live editor
- NEW:	Added a close icon to popups
- FIX:	Simplified the settings description
- FIX:	Removed duplicate white spaces from variation information
- FIX:	Added strip tags on product name

- NEW:	Show cart total in enquiry cart form
- NEW:	Added 4 new hook options to enquiry button
- FIX:	Show enquiry only when "Out of stock" not working

- NEW:	Added Translation files for
		Italian, German, French, Spanish, Dutch
- NEW:	Added output buffering to button shortcode
- FIX:	Product type not available

- NEW:	Added support for our plugins:
		WooCommerce Variations Table https://www.welaunch.io/en/product/woocommerce-variations-table/
		WooCommerce Quick Order https://www.welaunch.io/en/product/woocommerce-quick-order/
- NEW:	Porto support
- NEW:	Woodmart support
- FIX:	Error when exporting variations table PDF (2 other our plugins) with catalog mode enabled
- FIX:	Variable enquiry cart button text in loop will not change anymore (stays select options)

- NEW:	Performance option (enabled by default) will onyl execute JS & CSS on woo pages
- NEW:	Completely revamped the frontend JS
- NEW:	Removed Bootstrap requirement
- NEW:	Removed custom JS function
- NEW:	Moved debug section to Advanced settings
- FIX:	Popup not aligned properly
- FIX:	Currency position in cart not displayed correctly
- FIX:	Enquiry Cart form only gets executed on cart pages (performance)

- NEW:	Shortcodes to support custom template builder like Elementor:
- NEW:	Choose the category loop hook & priority

- FIX:	Moved updater into weLaunch framework

- NEW:	Dropped Redux Framework support and added our own framework 
		Read more here: https://www.welaunch.io/en/2021/01/switching-from-redux-to-our-own-framework
		This ensure auto updates & removes all gutenberg stuff
		You can delete Redux (if not used somewhere else) afterwards

- NEW:	Added support for our variations plugin 
- FIX:	Updated variations dropdown functionality to latest Woo version

- FIX:	Removed depreacted URLs

- NEW:	Performance increase in admin panel through AJAX loading
- NEW:	Exclusions now enabled by default all time

- FIX:	Added trim to selectors to remove white spaces

- FIX:	Modal issues with height & scrolling
- FIX:	Fade issue with some themes

- FIX:	Added backwards capability for old bootstrap JS
- FIX:	PHP notice on ninja wp tables pro plugin

- NEW:	Hard remove price Flatsome removes now cart subtotal also
- FIX:	Added support for backdrop / modal theme css
- FIX:	Remove price and apply for not logged in users removed price in the cart

- NEW:	Performance boost through making exlusions optional. get_posts for exlusions 
		was a performance killer. 
		Demo: https://imgur.com/a/8uswUtq

- NEW:	Updated bootstrap js to 4.4.0

- FIX:	Added more strange sign replacements

- FIX:	Apostroph ' signs breaking enquiry cart

- NEW:	Added support for WooCommerce Product Configurator Plugin in Enquiry Cart
- NEW:	Added transient caching for product exclusions (1 Day)

- FIX:	Free price text no longer working

- NEW:	Support for porto theme
- FIX:	CSS modal not showing

- NEW:	Created 3 new selector fields for the single enquiry button for better theme compatibility
		SKU Selector (.sku)
		Product Selector

- NEW:	Show send enquiry button ONLY when product is out of stock
		See single product pages > Only Out of Stock

- NEW:	Show send enquiry form button within the archive / category pages
		See Settings > Product Categories > Button Action > Enquiry Form
		It uses the single modal 
		Demo: https://welaunch.io/plugins/woocommerce-catalog-mode/demo/

- FIX:	Line breaks not displayed in enquiry cart form

- NEW:	Added support for variationInformation via wc_get_formatted_cart_item_data
		This will show variation data in the enquiry cart
- NEW:	Added an option to show / hide SKU or Quantity in Enquiry Cart
- FIX:	Increased Z-Index to 9999999

- NEW:	Avada "support" or added an option to specify the enquiry cart button action hook
		By default it is set to "woocommerce_cart_actions", but Avada does not have this
		so you can now choose to set it to "woocommerce_after_cart"
		See Settings > Enquiry Cart > Button Action Hook

- FIX:	When variations are set to talbe & single product button is set to URL
		table not displayed

- FIX:	Added jQuery Live support (this also fixes Ninja Forms Bug)

- NEW:	Added an Option to set the button priority on single product pages

- NEW:	Option to disable to send price to Enquiry Cart Form

- FIX:	Redux Framework Performance

- NEW:	3 Enquiry Cart options to hide / show:
		- Checkout
		- Coupon
		- Cross Sells
- FIX:	Updated WPML Keys

- FIX:	Added exclude product categories & product keys to WPML config

- NEW:	Enquiry Cart now clears the cart after successfull 
		Enquiry send (only works with CF7 currently)

- FIX:	Order shipping free text issue

- FIX:	Add to Enquiry Button was not clickable after cart update

- NEW:	JetPack support
- FIX:	Only first element found will be copied to form

- NEW:	Contact form fields now use regular expressions to find SKU & Product field by input name!

- NEW:	Set the Contact Form field names for SKU & Product in Plugin settings (for Gravity Forms)
		See Settings > Single Product > Contact Form Field names

- NEW:	Add to Enquiry Basket Functionality
		Example: https://www.welaunch.io/woocommerce-catalog-mode/product/product-with-enquiry-cart/
		Documentation: https://www.welaunch.io/woocommerce-catalog-mode/faq/enquiry-cart-basket/

- FIX:	Add to Enquiry in Variations Table not working when responsive enabled

- NEW:	Added support for our Variations Table Plugin to send enquiry

- FIX:	Fallback Product Name issue

- FIX:	If itemprop name not found our plugin takes H1 to contact form product

- NEW:	Variation Table attributes not display in their own columns

- FIX:  Product title selector for contact form JS

- FIX:  Exclude User Roles description

- NEW:  Exclude User Roles from appliance
- NEW:  Splitted section Exclusions & Limitations from General Settings tab
- FIX:  Code Documentation

- FIX:  ID was called indirectly

- NEW:  Updated Documentation
		See: https://www.welaunch.io/docs/woocommerce-catalog-mode/
- FIX: Variations Table display
- FIX: Spelling error
- FIX: Enquiry Modal Size -> Normal default value set

- FIX: Categories revert exclusions function
- FIX: Added some more CSS classes to remove button & quantity

- NEW: 	The following filters are now available:
		woocommerce_catalog_mode_loop_button_text (Loop Button Text)
		woocommerce_catalog_mode_loop_custom_url_button_text (Loop Custom Url Button Text)
		woocommerce_catalog_mode_loop_custom_url_button_url (Loop Custom Url Button Url)
		woocommerce_catalog_mode_loop_custom_url_button_target (Loop Custom Url Button Target)
		woocommerce_catalog_mode_enquiry_button_text (Enquiry Button Text)
		woocommerce_catalog_mode_single_product_modal_contact_form (Single Product Modal Contact Form)
		woocommerce_catalog_mode_single_product_modal_title (Single Product Modal Title)
		woocommerce_catalog_mode_single_product_button_text (Single Product Button Text)
		woocommerce_catalog_mode_single_product_button_url (Single Product Button Url)
		woocommerce_catalog_mode_single_product_button_target (Single Product Button Target)
		woocommerce_catalog_mode_custom_free_price_text (Custom Free Price Text)

- NEW: WPML Support (see string translations > admin_texts_woocommerce_catalog_mode_options)

- FIX: "PHP Notice: id was called incorrectly"

- FIX: Plugin activation check
- FIX: WooCommerce 3.0 compatibility

- FIX: In the variation dropdown now also the variation price + description shows up

- NEW: Variations can now be shown like you know from the regular add to cart button > see dropdown in Variations admin section
- NEW: you can now send the SKU & Product name from inside your Contact Forms -> make sure you add the following fields there:
		[text sku class:hidden]
		[text product class:hidden]

- NEW: Hard remove via CSS now respects exclusions and inclusions (revert exclusions)

- NEW: Better plugin activation
- FIX: Better advanced settings page (ACE Editor for CSS and JS )
- FIX array key exists

- FIX: Redux Error

- NEW: Removed the embedded Redux Framework for update consistency

- NEW: always show the loop button (even if the product is in the exclusion list)
- NEW: always show the single product button (even if the product is in the exclusion list)
- NEW: revert product category exclusions
- NEW: revert product category exclusions
- NEW: revert product exclusions
- NEW: revert country exclusions
- FIX: add to cart / read more on product categories now appear as they should

- FIX: width of variations table (colspan)

- FIX: free price text not shown

- NEW: remove the "Free"-Text if there is no price and show a custom text instead

- NEW: you can now specify where the modal HTML should be placed (useful to debug special mail tags from CF7)
- NEW: you can now specify where the single product button should be placed 

- NEW: exclude some countries and show users from this country the price / add to cart button

- fixed end of file error

- fixed PHP 5.2 errors
- removed unneeded admin JS and admin CSS

- moved modal HTML to the footer
- added variation display support
- added variation settings in admin panel
- fixed issue with The7 Theme
- moved to local bootstrap js

- moved JS to footer

- fixed an issue with the CSS namespace (backdrop & modal to show)
- added new settings page: debug
- added 3 new option to "debug"-settings:
--> hard remove prices
--> hard remove add to cart
--> disable the load of bootstrap.js
- added "button"-class to buttons
- removed data-options and added javascript to call the modal

- added namespace for public CSS 

- fix for category button
add_filter('woocommerce_loop_add_to_cart_link', array($this,'loopProductPageButton'),10); become
add_action('woocommerce_after_shop_loop_item', array($this,'loopProductPageButton'),10);
- added hard remove setting inside options panel (can be used for non WooCommerce standard compliant themes still showing price / add to cart button)
- tested plugin with the following themes: Storefront, Bridge, Dante, Onetake, The7, Total, Twenty Sixteen, Universal

- Inital release

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