Modal or Inline View
Let customers quick view your products via popup or inline. You can decide.
Totally Customizable
Change the Button text, Add a custom Icon, change the Modal colors or disable data to show.
Sticky Quick View
Use our sticky icon to make quick viewing products even easier. Simply enter a SKU or Product Name and you can get product info.
Custom Variation titles
Set a custom title for each single variation to drive more SEO traffic.
WooCommerce Filter Support
Default WooCommerce filter widget, subcategory count and other features are supported by our plugin.
Hide Parent / Variable Products
Hide the main parent product if variations exist.
Quick View Products with Ease
Woocommerce has more than six years in the market, has won the trust of hundreds of people who decided to start with small or large businesses. It is not exactly a free software but every day more people are betting on it … now everything is better thanks to the quick view. But what is there to know?
Quick View is an extension for Woocommerce that allows you to see the details of a product through a pop-up window very quickly.Woocommerce allows the customer to stay interested in the online store without having to click many times, therefore the purchase options are higher.

Modal or inline view
Just at the moment the client is searching for his product, he must click on the small “Quick” box. Modal open allows you to have a suspended horizontal view where it appears: the name of the product, the price (on sale or not), the rating of one or more stars, the description, the category and the option to add to the cart. While inline open shows the same thing vertically and much faster.
It is not that there is a better one or a worse one, they are simply two different ways to show the product.
View DemoResponsive
Whether the client or the seller chooses to have this plugin, both can enjoy the benefits on any device, unlike other plugins that unfortunately suffer alterations depending on the device.
View Demo

With AJAX loading your customers do not have to wait long to get your product information. Response times below 600ms – that is our promise.
Both sellers and consumers seek efficiency for their sales and purchases, a point in favor of Woocommerce Quick View. Nobody loses interest in the first seconds, but instead has various reasons to stay.
View DemoCustomizable
The texts of the button, the icons, the colors, the typographies, what you want to show and what are not subject to the tastes of the seller. That is where our plugin fits the vision of who undertakes and truly provides a great experience to who buys.
Furthermore you can enable or disable multiple product information blocks. You can also create your own template by overriding ours within your child theme for example.

ryggytt –
I easily integrated the plugin using the shortcode which pulls the product id automatically. I needed that function especially to integrate the quick view button into a custom loop that I built for a WooCommerce site using divi and bodycommerce custom builder. It gave me full control to show up a quick view button complete with quantity selector and add to cart selector on any custom product loop on any page regardless if it’s a default archive page or not. No other plugin on the market could achieve this and i’ve tested at least 10, including other ones on CodeCanyon.
TaraWhitie –
I think you deserve 10 stars, your support is absolutely amazing, my client required an inline quick view and your product is exactly what he required. There were a couple of issues and when I made contact with you, you were straight away onto fixing these issues, I couldn’t be happier with the result. Well done and I wish you all the success with this wonderful plugin.
bare123 –
There are many Quick View plugins outside, but this is one of the fastest and most flexible ones we saw until now.
Heads up for this nice Extension.