How to setup WordPress Machine Translation

Make use of our built in machine translation services. Translate your post or terms automatically without manual work.To use the machine translation services like Google Translate, DeepL or the Microsoft translation service you first need to get an API key.

When you got your API key go into plugin settings and enter the key into the service you want to use. You can then also specify what meta or data keys for posts or terms should be translated using the translation service. By default post data like post_title, post_content, post_excerpt will be translated and for terms it are name, slug, description.

machine translation settings
machine translation settings

So if you know want to translate a post or term open up the specific page. Then you will see a new box called machine translation. Choose a source and target language, then click on update button.

use machine translations to translate a single post
use machine translations to translate a single post

If you want to translate multiple items at once, you can use the bulk functionality from WordPress. Mark some posts with the checkbox and choose bulk translation.

bulk translate posts
bulk translate posts

4 thoughts on “How to setup WordPress Machine Translation

  1. Kris says:


    We just bought your plugin. where the machine translate button should be I only see a checkbox that does nothing.

    • WeLaunch

      The Real Person!

      Author WeLaunch acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
      Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      You check the checkbox and then click on update button.

  2. Ryan says:

    Translated content look great. However, every block content becoming invalid block, we have to convert them back to Block Editor everytime. Although the plugin had “Gutenberg support” in Machine Translation tab, seem to be not work as well.

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