Redirecting users to their correct language and country page is an essential feature when you work with a multilingual WordPress multisite. That is why the automatic redirect is directly built within our multilingual multisite plugin.
In plugin settings > Mater & Redirects you can enable automatic redirect. It is required to set a master site. Normally this should be your main blog page (e.g. the without subfolder or subsite). This, because you will redirect to or, which are own subsites.
The redirect functionality works like this:
- It checks Users Browser language preferences
this will return 2 char or 5 char value (e.g. “de” or “de-DE”) - When IP Based redirect is enabled the Country code of users preferences from 1. will be overwritten or added
- System checks if language AND country Code site is available based on your blog settings > General > Language & Country
- If not available it will use ONLY language to check (e.g. a de-AT user will be redirected to DE site)
- If none language or country blog exists the default redirect blog will be used
When you turn on IP redirection, it uses an external service to convert IP into country code. Check with your legal department if IP is allowed to send to this service before using it.

i have a subsite but when user select another option in country selector it just redirect me to that subsite rather than changing the url and page it should change the url like and show the page based on their chosen language
Please submit a ticket on our website and we will help you as soon as possible.