Woodmart Theme Support

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If you are on latest version of Woodmart you do not need to make this modifications as Woodmart has removed all old Redux Framework code.

Woodmart theme has not integrated the redux framework correctly. However this is not fixed be them, so you need to fix it:

In woodmart/inc/admin/redux/settings/config.php download that file.

woodmart redux config file
woodmart redux config file

Then change output and output_tag from value “true” to false.

set output tag to true
set output tag to true

That is it.

4 thoughts on “Woodmart Theme Support

    • Daniel
      Daniel acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      For theme support, please contact the theme author. This article is just for support regarding our plugins.

  1. Majid Maddahfar says:

    hi, I have this error for click on pdf print :

    Mpdf\QrCode package was not found. Install the package from Packagist with “composer require mpdf/qrcode”

    • Daniel
      Daniel acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      Please submit a ticket on our website.

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