The Knowledge Base offers 3 different Shortcodes to be used:

1. The knowledge base shortcode:

[ knowledge_base columns="2" max_faqs="5" orderby="order" order="DESC"]


  • Columns
  • Maximum FAQs
  • Order By (date, title, order)
  • Order (ASC or DESC)

2. A single FAQ shortcode:

[ faq id="FAQ_ID" excerpt="true" content="false" link="true" ]


  • FAQ ID
  • Show Excerpt
  • Show Content
  • Show Link

3. Multiple FAQs shortcode:

[ faqs topic="TOPIC_ID1,TOPIC_ID2" show_topic_title="false" show_back_to_parent_topic="false" content="false" excerpt="true" link="true" max_faqs="-1" show_children="false" hide_faqs_when_subcategories_exists="false" show_child_categories="true" columns="2" faq_columns="" show_faq_icon="true" accordion="false"  order="ASC" orderby="menu_order"]


  • Topic ID(s) (if empty it shows all FAQs)
  • Show Excerpt
  • Show Content
  • Show Link
  • Maximum FAQs
  • Show children FAQs
  • Show Child Categories
  • Columns
  • faq_columns
  • show_faq_icon (Default: “true”)
  • accordion (Default: “false”)
  • Order
  • Order By (menu_order)

4. FAQ Seach Shortcode

[ faq_search]

2 thoughts on “Knowledge Base Shortcodes

  1. Russell Cosway says:


    I’d like to provide access to just a couple of FAQ topics to website visitors. The bulk of our FAQs are behind a paid subscription and not relevant to website visitors. So I want a shortcode parameter that suppresses the sidebar menu if possible.

    Any chance?

    • jp jakubik says:

      Did you get an answer to this? I as well would like to provide some faq topics behind password protected areas.

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