There are 2 ticket system shortcodes:

1. My Tickets Shortcode:

[my_tickets orderby="date" order="DESC"]


  • Order By
  • Order

2. New Ticket Shortcode:

[new_ticket type="Simple|WooCommerce|Envato" types="" departments="" priorities=""]


  • Type (Simple, WooCommerce, Envato)
  • Pre Selected types, departments, priorities

10 thoughts on “Ticket System Shortcodes

  1. Murray Chapman says:

    It would be great if there were some examples of how to fill in the types, departments and priorities. I cannot get the shortcode to display the extra fields and there is nothing in this page that explains how to display them. Ideally, a video walkthrough would be great.

    • Daniel says:

      In your WP backend to Tickets and below that menu you find: types, departments etc. Click there and you can set them up for ticketing use.

  2. Vincent says:

    The shortcodes don’t work on my site. No form shows up on the front page but the shortcode itself. What should I do?

  3. Fernando says:

    I set up some departments for my ticketing system, but the selector won’t show up on the form. Everything else is fine, but no selectors for department or type, even when they were added on the plugin. Is there a way to do so?

  4. milan radnic says:

    Hi Daniel,
    My client lives and works in Switzerland.
    She and others in Switzerland are shown the German language by default. When he wants to switch to English, a problem arises. It does not switch to the English version of the site.
    I live in Serbia. I don’t have that problem. By default, the menu shows the English language. When I want to switch to German, I can do it without any problems on a desktop computer. The problem is that on a mobile phone I have to click on the flag several times for it to react.
    How can I solve this problem?

  5. milan radnic says:

    I solved the problem.
    When it is checked to automatically recognize the language area the real problem.

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