We had a deep look into WPML, but unfortuantely it is not possible to use WPML with custom Database Queries (needed to lat / lng <-> distance).

It is possible to translate everything with WPML except the stores data (like name, description).

You can read more about this here: https://wpml.org/forums/topic/display-custom-types-based-on-language-in-a-custom-plugin/

9 thoughts on “Store Locator WPML Support

  1. Matt says:

    I have set the distance unit to KM however the distance still shows in Miles (data) with the KM’s label. Any ideas?

    • WeLaunch

      The Real Person!

      Author WeLaunch acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
      Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      Where exactly? Can you send us a screenshot?

    • WeLaunch

      The Real Person!

      Author WeLaunch acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
      Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      Via custom CSS.

    • Daniel Barenkamp

      The Real Person!

      Author Daniel Barenkamp acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
      Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      You need to use WPML > String Translations.

  2. Trevor Tunnacliffe says:

    As per above, need hint to see how to translate the the text entered in for the field “Get Directions Text”‘

  3. Trevor Tunnacliffe says:

    Thanks for quick response – but what string translation to use? I see the strings for the admin form name for both problem fields, for example “Store locator Title” and “Get Directions Text” but not the actual text that shows to the user.

  4. filip tillmann says:

    Hello! Im trying to implement WordPress Store Locator in a WPML environment. Unfortunately I cant add different values for the different languages. As for example the button naming for the form.
    With the WPML String Translator, its only possible to change the backend labeling for the all the options.
    Am I doing something wrong? How can I for example change the filter names for different languages?

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