For Mailchimp GDPR Compliance you need to do some changes in their tool yourself. Start by logging into Mailchimp, then go to lists and edit a list. Go to settings > List name and campaign defaults. There you will see 2 checkboxes, that you need to check:

  1. Enable double opt-in
    Send contacts an opt-in confirmation email when they subscribe to your list.
  2. Enable GDPR fields
    Customize your forms to include GDPR fields.

After enabling these two options you will see a little GDPR badge on your lists:Inside the Form Builder you now have an additional GDPR field, where you can customize the text and the data checkbox settings:To make unsubscribe easy, you should use an iFrame e.g. and embed the Unsubscribe Form, Mailchimp offers on their form builder page. This you can then link inside our plugin settings.

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