Contact Form 7 & Flamingo DB GDPR Integration

Update: With the newest version 5.0.3 of Contact Form 7 you can now directly set a parameter to an acceptance box. Here is an example:

[acceptance your-consent consent_for:storage optional] I consent that this submission data is to be stored in the database. [/acceptance]

Reference: you want to have your Contact Form 7 Forms GDPR compliant, there are just a few things you need to do.

  1. Add an Acceptance Checkbox for Privacy Policy
  2. Add a Checkbox for Opt-In (if Flamingo DB is used)

Below we will explain you how to accomplish compliance for CF7:

Add the Acceptance Box

Go into your WP-Backend > Contact. Then edit a form and add the acceptance Checkbox. Do not make this default set to checked, because users need to give their consent on their own.Here is the code for the Demo Acceptance we used:

[acceptance your-consent consent_for:storage optional] I consent that this submission data is to be stored in the database. [/acceptance]

Flamingo DB – Add Opt-In Checkbox

Users need to agree, that their data will be stored on your Server. That for we have integrated Flamingo DB Support for our plugin. To Get this working you first need to add a checkbox, not acceptance field, to your contact forms. This should not be a required field. Here is the code for the Demo Checkbox we used:

[checkbox your-country "China" "India" "San Marino"]

What we now need to do is go to our GDPR Plugin Settings > Integrations. There we need to enable Flamingo DB Integration. Then we need to enter the field name of our opt-in checkbox “opt-in” into the Field Name Setting input.That’s it – so now when a User Does not click on “I agree, that my data will be stored”, no data will be stored within the Flamingo DB plugin.

cf7 gdpr support
cf7 gdpr support

11 thoughts on “Contact Form 7 & Flamingo DB GDPR Integration

    • weLaunch
      weLaunch acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      Hi there,

      it works out of the box. You only need to add a checkbox to your gravity forms, that your users accept your privacy policy.

  1. Baz Def says:

    Thank you for this, but you don’t explain how to get contact form 7 requests in the GDPR plugin requests. I can see it only in flamingo. 🙁

    Could you tell me please ?

    Best regards


  2. Ajana Path says:

    I am using the Flamingo theme GeneratePress theme and the Contact Form 7 plugin which recommends that the plugin plugin does not show that it is usable with the GeneratePress theme…

    • WeLaunch
      WeLaunch acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      What plugin does not work with GeneratePress? Flamingo DB?

    • WeLaunch
      WeLaunch acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      Only Flamingo was tested.

    • WeLaunch
      WeLaunch acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      It does not work – is not tested.

    • Daniel Barenkamp
      Daniel Barenkamp acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      Sure we will work on that!

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