Introduced in version 1.3.9 you can use the following shortcode to display variations directly on any page.


Parameter you can use:

  • products (product variation IDs comma separated)
  • parent_products (parent product variable Ids comma separated)
  • categories (category IDs comma separated)
  • order (default: DESC)
  • orderby (default: menu_order)

An example with product variation IDs:

[woocommerce_single_variations products="813"]

10 thoughts on “WooCommerce Single Variations Shortcode

  1. BC says:

    How do I select or display one product variation on a page? I want to show 4 products on the home page and select 2 variations of the same product to display here.

    • Daniel
      Daniel acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      You need to ask your theme developer to render the WooCommerce CSS stylesheets also on custom pages where you implemented our shortcode.

  2. Valentina says:

    it’s a great plugin. The only thing I miss is how to order my variations according to “best_selling”. Is it possible?
    Thanks in advance!

  3. Chris says:

    I can use the shortcode to show all the variations, for example, I want the shortcode to show me all the M size options of the size variation, than on another page with another shortcode to show all the S of the size variation

    • Daniel
      Daniel acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      Yes you can set custom variation ids for the shortcode with ease.

  4. Anurag says:

    I want to display single product variations on category archive page. when i am using [woocommerce_single_variations categories=”31″] shortcode then its displaying product not found.
    how to display single product variations on archive page using shortcode.?

  5. Anurag says:

    I am using WooCommerce Single Variations plugin. i want to display single product variations on category archive page. when i am using shortcode its display product not found. so how can use this plugin product category page.?

    • Daniel
      Daniel acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      Please submit a ticket and we will look into that issue on your site asap.

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