If you want to send the product SKU or product title into the fields of your enquiry form you need to do the following steps: By default our plugin looks for the following two fields inside your rendered form:
- input with name “sku”
- input with name “product”
So for example when you use Contact Form 7 and you want to send along the SKU or product name then use the following shortcodes:
<p>Your Name*<br /> [text* your-name] </p> <p>Your E-Mail*<br /> [email* your-email] </p> <p>Subject*<br /> [text* your-subject]</p> <p style="width: 45%; float: left;>Product*<br /> [text* product]</p> <p style="width: 50%; float: left; margin-left:5%;>SKU*<br /> [text* sku]</p> <p>Your Message<br /> [textarea your-message 40x5] </p> <p>[submit "Send"]</p>
If you use another contact form plugin like gravity forms you can change the SKU and Product field names within plugin settings. Go to Single Product Pages and scoll to bottom. There you will find two fields to set your custom field-names.
Important: our plugin takes the “name” attribute. So if gravity forms created a field with the input name=”123-sku”, then you need to change the SKU field according to this name.
the product does not seem to work in the cf7 form.
it displays: [object Object]
The Real Person!
Thanks for the Info. We have fixed this in 1.4.4
Hi, is it possible I can also put product thumbnails in contact form?
Also, how do I make an send enquriy page instead of modal? Thanks in advance!
The Real Person!
Hi there,
no you can not overtake the image by default – you need custom jQuery. Linking to a new page is possible in plugin settings.
I’m not getting Product SKU into my contact form. [text* sku] is not working.
The Real Person!
Please send a URL to [email protected] where we can see the product, that does not add the SKU to the WooCommerce Enquiry form.
We have added this shortcode [textarea* products] to Contact Form 7 in our site; it works fine, but in addition to pulling the product title into the form, it is also pulling the product SKU into it like this “1xproduct(12345)”, but we don’t need the product SKU appended to the product title, how can we fix this?
Your quick response will be highly appreciated.
Have you found a solution to this, Wasi?
I’m using Formidable Forms and am getting the complete html with image, title, but no variations or other stuff
The product does not seem to work in the cf7 form.
it is not display on Form. –> http://prntscr.com/ocnzey
I’ve also noticed that using the shortcode [products], it just slaps all products into the field, not the ones used in the Cart.
This makes it pretty much useless
Como seria eso?
The single Product will not put the product into the CF7 form. The field is called
[text* product]
Still nothing. This works on the cart page but will not work on the single product. Also if opening the menu and closing it then opening again a few times crashes the whole page.
The Real Person!
You need to assign the correct field name in our plugin settings.
Hi, can this options automatic get product name (product title) of the product where customer submit enquiry form. And in each product will get each product name (title) to the submissions of the forms (ninja forms). Hope to hear from you!
The Real Person!
Yes this is what our WooCommerce enquiry form does.
I have added the Product with Enquiry Cart function , the product is adding to cart, but I cannot access the Enquiry Cart page to view and add an enquiry form. I would like to have Enquiry Cart as a menu heading, but no cart options in the menu selection. Please can you help
I am not receiving product details with enquiry form. Please help
The Real Person!
Have you put the product and sku field into your mail settings?
Hello I have little problem I use [text* product-name] but in my form I dont see Name product Is write automaticly shop. can you help me please?
The Real Person!
Please submit a ticket here on our webiste.
Hello! I need to pass the name of he product via contact form that the customer sends in the email letter to the seller. Is it possible? And how? Thank you
variable products SKU not capture in form, and also is it posible to auto add selected variable color in product archive or category page
I’m using the [textarea* products] shortcode to display the product in an enquiry form. However, I would also like to show the variation as I have multiple variations set up for my products. Is this possible and if so, what is that shortcode?
The Real Person!
Please submit a ticket on our website for plugin support.
The Real Person!
Hello, I bought your plugin. It appears to be good solution for my purposes but I have problem with enquiry cart, form and shortcode for title of pruduct(s) filling.
I use Ninja forms and I can’t manage to connect it at all. How to set it all for Ninja forms? In FAQ I see some shortcodes for CF7 but everything I try to do in Ninja forms, it doesn’t work.
Can you help me please? Thank you. JC
The Real Person!
Hello again,
maybe I’m on half way through. I set “products” in plugin settings, then [products] in default value of my field Products in Ninja form. In enquiry form in cart I see something – but it is long long code, not titles of products that I have in cart! What’s wrong?
The Real Person!
Please submit a ticket on our website or send admin & purchase code to [email protected]
The Real Person!
Thank you for response. I solved the problem – I left Enquiry cart problem alone. I used Single product page setup for enquiry form, installed CF7 and the form now submits both the product name and the product url.
I might have one comment about the whole product – it is very useful plugin but it has very poor documentation. I had to try step by step and this is very time consuming.
Thanx, JC