Wenn Sie die Produkt-SKU oder den Produkttitel in die Felder Ihres Anfrageformulars senden möchten, müssen Sie die folgenden Schritte ausführen: Standardmäßig sucht unser Plugin nach den folgenden zwei Feldern innerhalb Ihres gerenderten Formulars:
- Eingabe mit dem Namen “sku”
- Eingabe mit der Bezeichnung “Produkt”
Wenn Sie zB das Kontaktformular 7 verwenden und die SKU oder den Produktnamen mitschicken möchten, verwenden Sie die folgenden Shortcodes:
<p>Ihr Name*<br /> [text* your-name] </p><p>Ihre E-Mail*<br /> [email* your-email] </p><p>Thema*<br /> [text* your-subject]</p><p style="Breite: 45%; Schwimmer: links;>Produkt*<br /> [text* product]</p><p style="width: 50%; float: links; margin-left:5%;>SKU*<br /> [text* sku]</p><p>Ihre Nachricht<br /> [textarea your-message 40x5] </p><p>[submit "Send"]</p>
Wenn Sie ein anderes Kontaktformular-Plugin wie Gravitationsformen verwenden, können Sie die SKU- und Produktfeldnamen innerhalb der Plugin-Einstellungen ändern. Go toSingle Product Pages and scoll to bottom. Dort finden Sie zwei Felder zum Festlegen Ihrer benutzerdefinierten Feldnamen.Wichtig: unser Plugin nimmt das Attribut “name” an. Wenn also Gravitationsformen ein Feld mit dem Eingabenamen=”123-sku” erzeugt haben, dann müssen Sie das SKU-Feld entsprechend diesem Namen ändern.
the product does not seem to work in the cf7 form.
it displays: [object Object]
Die echte Person!
Thanks for the Info. We have fixed this in 1.4.4
Hi, is it possible I can also put product thumbnails in contact form?
Also, how do I make an send enquriy page instead of modal? Thanks in advance!
Die echte Person!
Hi there,
no you can not overtake the image by default – you need custom jQuery. Linking to a new page is possible in plugin settings.
I’m not getting Product SKU into my contact form. [text* sku] is not working.
Die echte Person!
Please send a URL to [email protected] where we can see the product, that does not add the SKU to the WooCommerce Enquiry form.
We have added this shortcode [textarea* products] to Contact Form 7 in our site; it works fine, but in addition to pulling the product title into the form, it is also pulling the product SKU into it like this “1xproduct(12345)”, but we don’t need the product SKU appended to the product title, how can we fix this?
Your quick response will be highly appreciated.
Have you found a solution to this, Wasi?
I’m using Formidable Forms and am getting the complete html with image, title, but no variations or other stuff
The product does not seem to work in the cf7 form.
it is not display on Form. –> http://prntscr.com/ocnzey
I’ve also noticed that using the shortcode [products], it just slaps all products into the field, not the ones used in the Cart.
This makes it pretty much useless
The single Product will not put the product into the CF7 form. The field is called
[text* product]
Still nothing. This works on the cart page but will not work on the single product. Also if opening the menu and closing it then opening again a few times crashes the whole page.
Die echte Person!
You need to assign the correct field name in our plugin settings.
Hi, can this options automatic get product name (product title) of the product where customer submit enquiry form. And in each product will get each product name (title) to the submissions of the forms (ninja forms). Hope to hear from you!
Die echte Person!
Yes this is what our WooCommerce enquiry form does.
I have added the Product with Enquiry Cart function , the product is adding to cart, but I cannot access the Enquiry Cart page to view and add an enquiry form. I would like to have Enquiry Cart as a menu heading, but no cart options in the menu selection. Please can you help
Hallo, wo muß ich die Shortcuts einsetzen um die Information Produkt in der Email anzeigen zu lassen.