How can I add custom Styles to the PDF Catalog?

When you want to add some styles to the PDF you should go to Advanced Settings > Enable debug mode.

When you create the PDF then the raw html will be shown. This you can use to identify elements, that you want to style.

The custom styles should then be placed into the custom CSS under Advanced Settings.

2 thoughts on “How can I add custom Styles to the PDF Catalog?

  1. stefanie says:

    hi, i want to print the pdf catalogue, but I need a white space on all 4 edges. products are too close to the end.
    i have the last product layout used, and when i try to use the debug mode for finding out html tags, everything is mixed up.

    could you please help?
    thx stefanie

    • WeLaunch
      WeLaunch acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      Hi Stefanie,

      you need to add padding CSS into the custom CSS arae to style the gap between products within the pdf catalog.

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