How to Convert a Quote into an Order in WooCommerce?

Within our WooCommerce Quote & Negotiation plugin you have multiple options to convert a quote request into an order.

The very first step to request a quote is proceeding the regular WC Checkout process. In this, the customer can select Quote Request as a separate payment method.

To start the price negotiation the user has to enter a message including his favourable price. After the customer has created a quote request the shop manager will then get a notification about this new enquiry. 

example quote request in WooCommerce
example quote request in WooCommerce

Once the shop manger got the quote enquiry, he has to modify the prices of the quote in the WP admin backend. When done, he can send the customer a note using the built in Woo negotiation system.

  1. Change the prices in Admin panel when you edit a single order
  2. Use the Order notes > Note to Customer functionality to inform the user about the new quote
shop manager negotiates a quote in WooCommerce
shop manager negotiates a quote in WooCommerce

The customer will then receive an Email notification with the updates price. When he now logs into the shop and opens his order he can see the negotiation message. From here he can continue bargaining with the shop manager.

single quote example with negotiation
single quote example with negotiation

If he does not want to negotiate any further the customer can accept the quote by clicking the button. If he disagrees he can also decline it of course.

After clicking “accept quote” button, the quote will be converted into an order and the status changes from “on hold” to “pending payment”. In the same process, the customer gets an Email, that his quote is approved containing a payment link. When he clicks on that “pay now” button in the mail, he gets redirected to the order pay page from WooCommerce.

pay quotes directly in WC
pay quotes directly in WC

On this payment page you see all possible payment methods except the request quote one of course. The customer can choose his favourite payment method and pay the converted quote directly in your WooCommerce System.

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