Selector de país de WordPress


Nuestro plugin WordPress Country Selector le ayuda a guiar a sus visitantes al país correcto. Los usuarios pueden ser informados a través de un popup o redirigidos automáticamente. También puede mostrar todos sus países en una página de selector o widget desplegable.

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Guiar a los visitantes del sitio a páginas específicas de cada país

El uso de un selector de países de WordPress es vital cuando se gestionan plataformas de comercio electrónico que atienden de forma diferente a los distintos consumidores internacionales

La disponibilidad de los productos y las pasarelas de pago difieren en casi todos los multisitios de WordPress Por ello, WordPress Country Selector utiliza ventanas emergentes de carga rápida para guiar a los usuarios a las páginas de inicio y de productos específicas de cada país Esto evita que se abandonen los carros de la compra, guiando a los visitantes del sitio a las páginas, el contenido y la información de precios específicos de cada país

country selector popup

Sencilla ventana emergente del selector de país de WordPress

El funcionamiento del plugin WordPress Country Selector es sencillo Después de llegar a las páginas de aterrizaje o de productos por primera vez, una ventana emergente de carga rápida llama la atención de los usuarios sobre la disponibilidad de diferentes páginas de países de WordPress Los visitantes del sitio pueden entonces elegir visitar las páginas locales o continuar navegando por las páginas internacionales del sitio

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Fácil de configurar las páginas de selección de países de WordPress

El selector de países de WordPress puede configurarse para redirigir a los visitantes a páginas específicas de cada país de forma automática Alternativamente, se pueden seleccionar páginas de diferentes países desde un área de selección de países multisitio

En las áreas de selección de países, los administradores del sitio pueden enumerar cada zona geográfica en la que hay páginas específicas para cada país Esto permite a los visitantes del sitio seleccionar su propio país, o (pensando en el envío) el país más cercano a ellos Las páginas de países de WordPress también pueden configurarse en tres estilos de página diferentes y fáciles de navegar

  • Muestre fácilmente todos los países en los que su sitio sirve contenido local
  • Permitir a los usuarios filtrar las páginas de los países haciendo clic en los continentes
  • Optar por mostrar banderas junto a las páginas de los países para salvar las barreras lingüísticas

En caso de que no exista una página específica para cada país, los usuarios pueden seleccionar versiones internacionales del sitio web como opción alternativa

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country selector pages
country redirect

Redireccionamiento automático de países

Para servir el contenido más relevante a los visitantes del sitio, el plugin WordPress Country Selector puede ser configurado para redirigir a los usuarios automáticamente

Al llegar a los sitios web, las ventanas emergentes llaman la atención de los visitantes sobre las páginas locales que pueden estar disponibles Si los visitantes del sitio se niegan a seleccionar alguna opción, los administradores del sitio pueden configurar redireccionamientos forzados para que se lleven a cabo Cuando no se cubra una localización específica, las redirecciones volverán por defecto a las versiones internacionales del sitio web En la oficina trasera del Selector de País de WordPress, los administradores del sitio también pueden configurar el tiempo que debe transcurrir antes de que las redirecciones automáticas tengan efecto

Utilizar cookies para recordar las elecciones

Los visitantes habituales de un sitio web odian ser bombardeados con las mismas ventanas emergentes cada vez que vuelven a visitar las páginas Por este motivo, el plugin WordPress Country Selector puede configurarse para recordar las preferencias del usuario mediante cookies

Ver demostración de administración
save cookie
country selector dropdown

Seleccione las preferencias de país a través de los menús desplegables

En los casos en los que los visitantes del sitio web utilizan una VPN (o se encuentran cerca de las fronteras de los países), su multisitio de WordPress podría identificar selecciones de páginas locales incorrectas Para evitar confusiones, las ventanas emergentes pueden configurarse para que muestren listas desplegables con las páginas de los países disponibles

Back Office fácil de configurar

WordPress Country Selector features an easy to configure back office. Set up popups and country selection pages in minutes after installation. Alternatively, see a free plugin demo now by clickinghere.

Ver demostración
easy backend
show all flags in popup

Mostrar todos los países en la ventana emergente

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Stay at United States should be International

When you want to have the popup say "Stay at International Site" instead of "Stay at United States" you need to do the following Install Loco Translate Plugin Go to Loco Translate > Plugins > WordPress Country Selector Click on New...

Wrong Country Flag or Country name?

Our plugin takes the country flag & name from the settings of the WordPress site. If you for example see "Stay at United States", but you want to have it as "Stay on Germany", then your sites language is wrong. This is also not good for...

Country selector Popup appears again

If the country selector popup displays again after a short time or after refreshing your site, then the lifetime of our plugin cookie is too short. Please increase the lifetime inside the plugin settings > general. It could be when users...

How can I translate the Country selector Plugin (WPML)

For translations you need to use WPML > "String Tranlsations". First go to Theme and Plugin localization Click the checkbox for the Wordpress Country Selector Scan the plugin for Translations (button on the bottom) Then go to...

How to change the International Flag

If you want to change the international flag in our WordPress country selector or Multilingual Multisite plugin you can use some simple CSS. First upload your flag image into your WordPress media library. Copy the URL. Then add this custom CSS...

WordPress Country redirection gets stuck in an infinite Loop

When false configured our WordPress Country selector plugin can cause an infinite loop. This happens the URL in our plugin settings does not 100% match your WP configured site URL. To solve this error look out for: http / https www /...


# Changelog
- FIX:	PHP Notice

- NEW:	PHP8.2 support
- NEW:	WeGlot support
- FIX:	Added a check for select2 existance
- FIX:	Updated wpml config for polylang issues
- FIX:	Performance

- NEW:	Added shortcode support for header, body & footer
- NEW:	Search countries
- FIX:	Offset 1 for MENA Countries
- FIX:	List view countries not hidden on click
- FIX:	USer language wrong -> PO / MO files not loaded
- FIX:	When clicking on "stay on website" popup appeard on other sites
- FIX:	Widget shows wrong URL in multisite
- FIX:	When try correct page setting enabled the choosen lanugage still showed a popup

- NEW:	Added support for WPML URLs like "de-de" (5 Chars)
- FIX:	Closed XSS Scripting vulnerable
- FIX:	PHP Notice

- FIX:	Removed extrem IP Lookup service using now (free)
	API key is no longer needed

- NEW:	From now on you need to get an API key even for 10.000 free 
	requests. Please sign up here:
- NEW:	Reworked some admin panel settings
- NEW:	Removed font awesome

- NEW:	Save IP service lookups by saving data in cookie
- NEW:	You can now set an API key for service (when requets exceed 10.000 per Month)

- NEW:	Dropped Redux Framework support and added our own framework 
		Read more here:
		This ensure auto updates & removes all gutenberg stuff
		You can delete Redux (if not used somewhere else) afterwards

- NEW:	Added MENA Region 
- NEW:	Removed the country <> continent subsection in plugin settings,
		because mena and africe can have the same countries
- FIX:	Updated Bot detection library (front and backend)

- NEW:	Added 5 new text field to plugin settings directly

- FIX:	Removed cyprus from Asia continent

- FIX:	Force redirect and 0 seconds issue

- FIX:	PHP notices

- NEW:	Added a checkbox to general settings to deactivate getting sites 
		country by wp-admin users language
		General > Get current Sites Country by Language

- FIX:	Important update to the location API 

- FIX:	Continue popup style shows try correct page URLs
- FIX:	Added an ltrim slashes to dropdown widget

- FIX:	Performance optimizations for Redux when not admin
- FIX:	Added an ltrim slashes to try to correct page URL

- FIX:	Redirect issue

- NEW:	Redirect Default URL by Cookie
		If a user has choosen a country before and visits 
		the default site, he will be redirected. 
		Users still can access country URLs (other than the force redirect method).

- FIX:	Moved Turkey to EU
- FIX:	Always show popup caused infinite redirection when force redirection enabled

- FIX:	!IMPORTANT! Replaced Geolocation service -> Required update

- NEW:	Added prefilled translation files for DE, NL, FR, IT & ES
- FIX:	PHP Notices
- FIX:	Added translation support for modal strings

- FIX:	Added support for arabic / non-utf8 urls

- NEW:	Link to existing pages on other country site
		e.g. =>
		this requires urls to be equal in source and destination site
- NEW:	You can now use %s in widget or shortcode text
		%s will be replaced with the current country Name
- FIX:	Better current flag display for widget & shortcode

- FIX:	Issue with "stay at international"

- FIX:	Flags & Continents missing
- FIX:	Removed TGMPA plugin
- FIX:	Updated Translation FIles
- FIX:	Backend API Service changed also

- FIX:	PHP Notice issue

- NEW:	! Important Update !
		As of 1st of July the old geoip provider we used "" 
		is no longer available, we switched to a new one: ""
		You need to update our plugin otherwise it won't work anymore after 1st of July

- FIX:  [ wordpress_country_selector ] shortcode now with ob buffering
- FIX:  Added Internation also to the country selector modal 
- FIX:  International Flag will be shown in widget / shortcode selector

- NEW:  Added international to country selector dropdown
- NEW:  Added international to country selector page
- FIX:  Removed East Germany

- FIX:  Removed option to always remove path and made it standard
- FIX:  Important Update for users_URL fix!
- FIX:  Stay at international page instead of United States

- NEW:  Remove path from Users URL setting
		See Advanced Settings
		This makes sure, that an end URL 
		path always gets stripped out.

- FIX: Next countries fix

- FIX: Small CSS bugs

- NEW:  Added prefix .wordpress-country-selector to all bootstrap classes
		If you have custom CSS, make sure you change e.g. ".modal" to 
- NEW:  Option to disalbe Bootstrap JS & CSS indepdent

- NEW:  Filter for available countries wordpress_country_selector_available_countries_filter
		allows you to sort flags for "continue" style 

- NEW:  Popup Style Continue & All Flags
		Shows a continue button to stay on current page 
		and below that all other countries as flags
- NEW:  Show popup always option
		Regardless of users country and sites country the popup will show
		This does not affect the cookie
- NEW:  Cookie will not also be set when a link on modal is clicked
- NEW:  Set text for the popup inside the settings panel
- NEW:  WPML Support
- FIX:  Small tweaks & performance issues

- FIX: undefined variables notice

- FIX: Country Selector page when translations were done

- FIX: Switched from .getJSON to .ajax in public JS file

- FIX: PHP 5.4 Support

- FIX: WPML support for AJAX check when no refferer is set

- NEW: WPML support for AJAX check
- NEW: Style option for country selector widget:
		Link: Simple link with current Flag to the country selector page
		Dropdown: List Dropdown with all created countries, link and their flag
- NEW: Shortcode to display the country selector widget
       How to use: [country_selector text="Select a country" style="link OR dropdown"]
- FIX: Map glyph for GB (United Kingdom)

- NEW: Page style dropdown
- FIX: Switched editor fields to raw text fields, because " (e.g. in a-Tags break the settings panel)
	   If you really want to have a link in the text fields use ' for the href attribute!
- FIX: Direct redirect when forced redirect & seconds = 0 now works again without delay 

- FIX: user logged in exclusion check for force redirect
- FIX: removed some console logs

- FIX: get_bloginfo('url') -> get_site_url()

- NEW: Moved from Server Side to Frontend Rendering
	   Everything will be fetched via Javascript / AJAX 
	   So now it works with Caching plugins. 

- FIX: Class WC_Geolocation already declared

- NEW: Set a cookie expiration in days

- NEW: Load your countries in a modal when somebody clicks on the widget link
		Example: See bottom right of Demo page and click the link

- FIX: Bootstrap Transitions function not loaded

- FIX: Class WC_GeoLocation error with newest version of WooCommerce plugin

- NEW: When Default URL shows up a new text appears with "Visit international Version"
- FIX: Removed the users Country <-> site's country check 
- FIX: Close button round 

- FIX: GEO ip class not found

- NEW: WPML support (changed get_site_url(); -> get_bloginfo( 'url');)

- FIX: filter not working when Modal disabled

- NEW: When you enter 0 for redirect seconds the user will be redirected directly without seeing a popup via WP_REDIRECT()
- FIX: Fix when Wordpress General -> Language was not set "correctly"

- FIX: Enable force redirect without popup

- NEW: Better plugin activation
- FIX: Better advanced settings page (ACE Editor for CSS and JS )
- FIX: array key exists

- FIX: Error when activating in Network

- FIX: Redux Error

- NEW: Removed the embedded Redux Framework for update consistency

- FIX: WC Geolocation class error
- FIX: wc_clean error

- NEW: Use a better way to detect users country 

- FIX: Error when wordpress is setted up as a multisite

- NEW: debug information
- FIX: wrong echo of users country

- Inital release

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