Imágenes de la galería de productos y variaciones de WooCommerce


Aumente las ventas y muestre todos los detalles de sus productos con una nueva / intuitiva galería de productos de WooCommerce. Agregue imágenes ilimitadas de la galería a sus productos de WooCommerce Variation con facilidad.

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Añadir imágenes de variación

Las imágenes adicionales de la galería suelen aumentar las conversiones de su tienda. Los clientes pueden ver detalles de sus productos, inspeccionar diferentes ángulos y materiales.Lamentablemente WooCommerce no ofrece la posibilidad de añadir múltiples imágenes a productos de una sola variación. Aquí es donde entra en juego nuestro plugin. Después de la instalación, puede añadir todos los detalles de las variaciones que desee.

  • Imágenes de la galería de variaciones ilimitadas
  • Mostrar las imágenes de la galería en el bucle de la tienda (se necesita el plugin Single Variation)
  • Múltiples opciones de Galería
Ver demostración

Show Variation Gallery images in Shop Loop & Categories

Mostrar las imágenes de la Galería de Variaciones en el Bucle de la Tienda y en las Categorías

Si ya utiliza nuestro plugin WooCommerce Show single variations, entonces puede utilizar nuestro plugin gallery images para mostrar la segunda imagen de la galería directamente en el bucle de su tienda (e.g. al pasar por encima). Si utilizas cualquier tema popular como Flatsome, entonces funcionará sin ninguna complicación. Ver demostración

Múltiples opciones de imágenes de la galería de WooCommerce

Como utilizamos uno de los plugins de carrusel más populares, hemos hecho posible que puedas utilizar todas las opciones. Active o desactive las opciones en la configuración del plugin con facilidad y verá todos los cambios en directo.

  • Mostrar flechas anteriores / siguientes
  • Añadir puntos de paginación del deslizador
  • Permitir la funcionalidad de pantalla completa
  • Anular las soluciones de imagen de la galería por defecto
Ver demostración
Multiple WooCommerce Gallery Images Options
Keep Variable gallery images

Mantener las imágenes de la galería variable

Otros plugins suelen eliminar la galería de productos variable por defecto. Tenemos una opción para mantener estas imágenes. De esta forma, puede seguir mostrando las imágenes generales de los detalles del producto para cada variación, en lugar de asignarlas manualmente a cada una de ellas. Ver demostración

Mostrar todas las imágenes de variación en la Galería de Variables

Con la activación de un ajuste, puede mostrar todas las imágenes de variación en su galería de productos variables. Deje de asignar manualmente las imágenes de la galería a cada variación y variable. Ver demostración de administración

show all variation images in Variable Gallery
variation gallery images admin panel

Activar y desactivar opciones con simples clics

Todas las funciones de nuestro plugin son independientes y pueden activarse o desactivarse a su gusto. Ver demostración de administración


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Configurar las imágenes de la galería de WooCommerce

Cuando hayas instalado correctamente nuestro plugin WooCommerce Attribute Gallery images, podemos empezar a configurarlo. Abre el panel de administración, que puedes encontrar en WooCommerce > Gallery Images. If you can not see...

Cómo mostrar la segunda imagen de variación en WooCommerce hover

Por defecto WooCommerce no muestra variaciones individuales en el bucle de la tienda. Woo tampoco permite añadir imágenes de variación adicionales. Por eso necesitará dos pluginsPlugin para mostrar variaciones individuales en su tiendaPlugin...

Faltan imágenes de Variación de un solo producto

Al utilizar nuestro plugin de variaciones individuales para WooCommerce puede que veas que faltan imágenes en tus páginas de categorías o de listado de productos. La principal causa de este problema es que los temas a menudo sólo tratan de...


Configurar las imágenes de la galería de WooCommerce

Cuando hayas instalado correctamente nuestro plugin WooCommerce Attribute Gallery images, podemos empezar a configurarlo. Abre el panel de administración, que puedes encontrar en WooCommerce > Gallery Images. If you can not see...

Cómo mostrar la segunda imagen de variación en WooCommerce hover

Por defecto WooCommerce no muestra variaciones individuales en el bucle de la tienda. Woo tampoco permite añadir imágenes de variación adicionales. Por eso necesitará dos pluginsPlugin para mostrar variaciones individuales en su tiendaPlugin...

Faltan imágenes de Variación de un solo producto

Al utilizar nuestro plugin de variaciones individuales para WooCommerce puede que veas que faltan imágenes en tus páginas de categorías o de listado de productos. La principal causa de este problema es que los temas a menudo sólo tratan de...


# Changelog
- NEW:	Only show on filtered attribute support for filter everything pro
- NEW:	Uncode theme support for variation title
- NEW:	Added is_filtered support for Filter Everything Pro plugin
- NEW:	Yoast canonical support
- FIX:	Related products showed variable products
- FIX:	Filtered variation title showing variant attribute when _GET parameter set

- NEW:	Hide variations on sorting
- NEW:	Set filter attributes when NOT to show variations
- NEW:	Set exact count
- NEW:	WooCommerce Filter Pro support

- NEW:	Only show Variations when when these attributes are filtered
- NEW:	Include Categories
- NEW:	WC Shortcodes now also support exclusions
- NEW:	Option to disable parent product attribute inheritance
- FIX:	Performance increase (change_country turned off by default + attribute lookup table too)
- FIX:	Fatal error for wp all import

- NEW:	Added order & orderby options to show lowest price variations first for example
- NEW:	Caching now supports WPML
- NEW:	Exclude variations based on a custom post meta key exists
- FIX:	You no longer need to init variations in WPML for each language

- NEW:	Support for unlimited Attribute variable products
- INFO:	How to delete orphaned variations

- NEW:	Shortcode Support Option
- NEW:	WPML use suppress filter in admin now
		You may need to run init variations in both languages from admin panel
- NEW:	Woo filter widget not working (see INFO below)
- FIX:	Updating multiple single variation titles not working
- INFO:	Due to woo implemented custom attribute filter tables the filtering for single 
		variations no longer works. Ticket to Woo opened:
- INFO:	Update - Go to Woo Settings > Products > Advanced. Disable the table usage (we add this as an option to our settings too)

- NEW:	Product ID no longer needed for AJAX call
- NEW:	Recoded the init variations function to support WP All Import
- FIX:	Set enabled / Disabled in edit product backend variations not saving
- FIX:	Backend save performance

- NEW:	Yoast Premium WooCommerce SEO Plugin support

- NEW:	Implemented caching for shortcode also
- FIX:	Filter by variable products in admin not possible

- NEW:	Show variations only when filtered
- NEW:	Option to Cache Categories Separately
- FIX:	Related products showed wrong product title when attribute was set in GET parameter URL
- FIX:	Hide variation on shop page shortcode support

- NEW:	New FAQs available:
- FIX:	non UTF8 chars stopped attributes assignments for variations
- FIX:	Hide on shop page option will ignore query parameters now

- NEW:	Draft variations will be set to private to follow WooCommerce intention on this level
		-> This will support "Draft variable product" creation
		-> Setting published products on draft without loosing variations
- FIX:	Sale product shortcode did returned excluded variations
- FIX:	Reset variation uses post type any to also reset deleted or draft variations
- FIX:	Get name in porto theme
- FIX:	Error in caching

- NEW:	Enable / Disable variation Menu Order
		Enable this to inherit the menu order of single variations from the main variable product. 
		This ensures the listing in product categories works as normal variable products. Deactivate 
		when you want to sort single variations when you edit a product 
		(be aware this will break category listing order!).
- FIX:	Layered nav filter respects current category ID

- FIX:	Variation title removed attributes values
		E.g. Size S => Super T-Shirt => uper T-hirt
- FIX:	PHP notice

- NEW:	Variation title option enabled by default now
- NEW:	Option to hide variations on Shop main page:
- FIX:	Sorting / ordering variations is just a pain -> from now it will always use parent product order menu
- FIX:	Enabled / disabled not working on product page
- FIX:	Using found_variation now for getting variation title (AJAX support)
- FIX:	PHP notice

- NEW:	Related products variation support
- FIX:	Woo 4.9 compatibility

- FIX:	auto draft post type was syned to variations (stopped variation from beeing published)

- FIX:	Hot fix

- NEW:	Added shortcode support to show single variations

- FIX:	Moved updater into weLaunch framework

- NEW:	Dropped Redux Framework support and added our own framework 
		Read more here:
		This ensure auto updates & removes all gutenberg stuff
		You can delete Redux (if not used somewhere else) afterwards

- FIX:	Reset variations AJAX used 5 instead of 50 variations
- FIX:	Added another check for JS loading custom variation title

- FIX:	AJAX Get variation title now runs async (delays title change, but better for shopping UX)
- FIX:	Product not found

- NEW:	Reset variations now also runs via AJAX
- NEW:	Variation post status is now taken over from parent product (e.g. draft status) 
- FIX:	Pagination issue (reset & init variation again after update)

- NEW:	Reset transients Caching within plugin settings
- NEW:	WooCommerce Shortcodes now no longer show parent variable products
- FIX:	Category transients not deleting
- FIX:	Better cache handling

- NEW:	Added excluded attributes filter: apply_filters('woocommerce_single_variations_excluded_attributes', $excludedAttributes);
- FIX:	Excluded attributes when filtering active showing duplicate results
- FIX:	removed var dump

- NEW: 	Add an option to disable excluded attributes when filter are active

- NEW:	Change variation title when another variation is selected (AJAX)
- NEW:	SEO section with canonical support
- NEW:	SEO Variations in Sitemap
- NEW:	SEO Change Meta Title
- NEW:	SEO Change Meta Description
- NEW:	Support for 3rd party plugins who uses custom post types like subscription or gift cards
- FIX: 	PHP Notice

- NEW:	Show ratings for single variations in shop loop
- NEW:	Option to add support for 2nd gallery images in listings 
		Requires our new plugin "WooCommerce Gallery Images" (soon available)
- NEW:	Filtered pages now also respect excluded attributes
- NEW:	Option to specify excluded attribute cache expiration
- NEW:	Option to hide variations when filters are active
- NEW:	Option to include product variations in search results

- NEW:	Improved performance by using nested tax queries
- FIX:	switched return with continue statement

- NEW: 	Rewritten the exclude attributes functionality
- FIX:  Products with one attribute, that was excluded only shows once in frontend now
		e.g. a Variable product with just size variations shows once now only
- FIX:	Ordering now gets correctly reset on "init variations"

- NEW:	Performance increase when saving variations in backend
- NEW:	Performance increase (change query relation in plugin settings to AND)
- NEW:	Optional transient caching
- NEW:  Sorting works now on variation level
- FIX:	New published products not appearing
- FIX:	Default query relation set to "AND" for better performance
- FIX:	Removed tansient caching

- FIX:	New things sometimes break old things ... this will fix duplicate single variation products

- NEW:	Keep One Attribute Products
		For example when you have color + size products, but also you have a product with just size. Then size will still show.
- NEW:	Only Keep in Stock Products
		It will keep the first variation only when it is also on stock.
		You need to reset + init variations after you checkd one
- FIX:	Excluded attributes filter count wrong

- NEW:	Init variations NOW uses ajax and shows statistics about initating
- FIX:	PHP notice in public.php line 290

- NEW:	Performance increase in admin panel through AJAX loading

- FIX:	Updated Docs

- NEW:	Added support for custom attributes (even though we recommend not to use them)
- FIX:	Error when no get_menu_order

- NEW:	Added an option to disable "adjust count" for performance
- FIX:	Custom variation title not shown on single product page
- FIX:	Count now substracts vairable if main product hidden choosen

- NEW:	Added support for date_created on variations
- FIX:	Category & Layer nav count wrong
- FIX:	PHP notice attribute not defined

- NEW:	Added support for non utf8 attributes (cryillic signs)
- FIX:	When enabled to hide main products, the filter / category count substracts
		variable products now

- NEW:	Caching for excluded attribute functionality for pagespeed
- FIX:	Filtering now still shows all variations
- FIX:	Issue with out of stock products not excluded

- NEW:	Added support for 3 or more variations to be excluded when used in variable products

- NEW:	Reset variations performance
- FIX:	Reset variations now deletes caching meta key so you rerun init afterwards

- FIX:	Menu Ordering removed the single variations ordering (breaking main loop)
- FIX:	When attribute e.g. "S" was in the title it got removed in product title
- FIX: 	Not enabled variations showed in catalog

- NEW:	Added updated check to avoid memory outtakes for first init
- FIX:	PHP notice

- NEW:	Added support for Price Filter widget when attributes excluded

- NEW:	Excluded attribute will now also be removed from permalink if enabled
- FIX:	Parent product check when initing variations

- FIX:	Exclude attributes query respects in stock query now

- NEW:	Keep first variation when excluding attributes
		This allow you to skip creating "any" product variations
		FAQ Updated:
- NEW:	Option to only show variations in shortcode

- NEW:	Variation Sorting
		When sorting variable (parent product) it is the first index e.g. 1
		When sortin variations inside the variable product it wil be second index
		For example: 11, 12, 31, 32
		1 & 3 are products

- NEW:	Added an option to set the excluded attribute relation query

- FIX:	PHP Notice public 390

- NEW:	Option to exclude attributes from variation title (e.g. size)
- NEW:	Option to "Always show these Variation Products" in exclusions
		This can be used to show a variation, that is excluded by size but the only one available
		E.g. a shirt available in color grey and size 40 (that would normally get excluded by size attribute)
- FIX:	Reset variations showed taxonomies

- NEW:	Reset Variations (this will remove all variation <-> category, tag, attribute connections)
- FIX:	Adding a new variation in backend showed wp-admin panel

- NEW:	Variation title is now also changing on single product pages

- NEW:	Added an option to exclude attributes
		So you can now show only color without size
		How to:
		Credits to our client Alexandros Koritsoglou

- FIX: Simple products not showing in shortcode

- NEW:	init variations on product publishing
- FIX: 	Product check issue
- FIX:	Parent product showing in shortcode

- FIX: 	Product check issue

- FIX:	Added a check if a product really exists

- NEW:	Added a filter for custom taxonomies "woocommerce_single_variations_taxonomies"

- NEW:	Added support for WooCommerce Attribute Filtering 

- Inital release

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