To overwrite the default mandatory or optional acessory templates just copy the following files into your child-theme folder directly. NOT in the woocoommerce folder:
Just wondering how I can change it from saying ‘Optional’ or ‘Mandatory’ to ‘Essential’ on the front-end? Could this not be a setting?
The Real Person!
Hi Ryan,
you can use Loco Translate to Change the Mandatory or Optional accessories title. Simply create a en_US translation and override it.
Last week, I sold your Products Accessories plugin. I installed it, no problems, but I can put only one optional product accessories…Impossible to put another one. My theme is TOTAL…If I put your files Overwrite the default templates, I get HTTP ERROR 500.
What is your solution ?
Thanks and have a nice day !
The Real Person!
With sold I hope you mean “bought” 🙂
We also use the Total theme and can see no problems. Can you send your error logs to [email protected]? Can you try deactivating other plugins except ours + WooCommerce?
how can I display the additional products in my Enfold Theme.
The Real Person!
You need to make sure the upsell products hook will display / is integrated.
Can I force the image of this to be 150×150 instead of default
How can i show add to cart button below price