If you want to hide the compare bar on certain pages you can use the following custom CSS. Replace the ID with the ID of your page:

body.page-id-2 #woocommerce-compare-bar {
	display: none;

To hide the compare bar on all pages use this CSS:

body.page #woocommerce-compare-bar {
	display: none;

2 thoughts on “Hide Compare Bar on Pages

  1. Jason Harle says:

    It would be really awesome if there was an option to conditionally hide the compare bar, and only display IF there are products added to compare. Is this in the roadmap by chance?

    • WeLaunch
      WeLaunch acts as a real person and passed all tests against spambots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      Hey Jason,

      currently not, but you can contact our customization service at [email protected]

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