Store Locator Shortcode

To place the store locator just create a new page and insert the following shortcode:


Parameters you can use:

Default: 'all' 
Values: Category IDs separated by comma, that should show
Default: '',
Values: ID of a default category to be preselected
filters (in development)
Default: 'all',
Values: Filters IDs separated by comma (must contain parent filter ID)
Values: Filters IDs seperated by comma
When you use categories parameter show subcategories automatically
Default: 'yes',
Values: yes or no
Default: 'yes',
Values: yes or no (Shows the all stores category)
Default: 'no',
Value: Integer / Number Radius
Default: '',
Value: Adress (Street, City)

New from Version 1.4.1: Shortcode attributes to create multiple maps with different categories. See here how to find the store category id.

Example 1:

  • Only show category ID 34 (T-Shirts)
  • no children
  • no “show all categories”
[wordpress_store_locator categories="34" show_children="no" show_all="no"]

Example 2:

  • Show Categories 32 (Clothes) and 35 (Music Stores)
  • Show no children
  • Show “all categories”
  • default_address
[wordpress_store_locator default_address="New York" categories="32,35" show_children="no" show_all="yes"]

Search for Store Shortcode

If you want to have a search for store page like in our Demo, you can create a new page or use any other like your Home page for example. Then place the Following Shortcode:

[wordpress_store_locator_search url="" style="1" show_filter="yes"]

Nearest store shortcode

You can show off the nearest shop from user location with the shortcode below. 

[wordpress_store_locator_nearest_store text_before="Nearest Store: " show_name="false" show_opening="true" text_separator=" | " denied_text="Please enable Geolocation"]

Stores Listing shortcode

Available since version 1.13.0 you can list stores by a key data field like country.

[wordpress_store_locator_listing key="country"]

Full arguments lists example:

[wordpress_store_locator_listing key="country" value="US" subkey="region" subvalue="Texas" heading_prefix="Stores in " order_by="pm.meta_value" subheading_prefix="State: "]

Google API Key

For our plugin you will need a fully working Google API Key. A tutorial on how to get it, can be found here:
You need to make sure, that inside the Google Console the following options are activated:

Allow your domain to access the key
Enable: Google Places API Web Service
Enable: Google Maps JavaScript
Enable: Google Maps Geocoding

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