How to load Google Fonts in your WordPress Child theme

Loading Google fonts via their URL is easy, but with easy comes problems.

  1. Performance & Bad Google Pagespeed Insights Rank
  2. GDPR (IP is sent to the font service)

That for you should load your Google fonts, that you want to embed, directly into your WordPress Child theme locally. We show you how:

  1. Go to Google Wefonts helper
  2. Search for your font on top left
  3. Select the styles you need
    and only the ones you really need, because the more you load the slower it gets
  4. Customize the folder prefix to ./fonts/
  5. Copy the CSS into your child theme
  6. Download the files
  7. Put them into the fonts folder in your child theme
  8. Upload
search for google webfont
copy generated CSS with cutomized folder
download fonts

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