Settings Menu & General Options

In order to setup the plugin you should be able to see the Quick Order Menu under the WooCommerce menu. If you can not see theQuick Order menu make sure the Redux Framework plugin is installed and activated.

General quick order settings give you the options to enable / disable, redirect after add to cart and enabling old theme support. Old theme support should be used when you do not see attributes in variations, that you added to cart.

WooCommerce quick order general settings
WooCommerce quick order general settings

Data to Show

In the Data to Show Section you can configure the product data fields you want to show in the table. You can decide if you want to show product image, name, sku, price etc. Furthermore you can drag and drop the data options to reorder or disable them. Multiple Quantity (QT) and multiple CB (checkbox) functionalities are also available.


configure what quick order data to show
configure what quick order data to show

Datatables Configuration

The datatables functionality gives your customers options to filter, search and order data easily. This can be used for attribute filtering also e.g. when users search for a specific product color or size.


quick order datatables options
quick order datatables options


In the limitations settings you can disallow the shortcodes to be seen by logged in / logged out users. You can also exclude custom user roles to access.

hide quick order for specific user roles
hide quick order for specific user roles

Usage with Shortcodes

After configuration and in order to use our plugin you need to create shortcodes on the pages where you want to show the quick order table. You can use the following shortcodes:
The quick order search:


A quick order table page only for certain categories can be achieved like this:

[woocommerce_quick_order_table categories="PRODUCT_CATEGORY_ID1,PRODUCT_CATEGORY_ID2,PRODUCT_CATEGORY_ID3" order="DESC" orderby="menu_order"]

And only specific product IDs:

[woocommerce_quick_order_table products="PRODUCT_ID1,PRODUCT_ID2,PRODUCT_ID3" order="DESC" orderby="menu_order"]

More quick order shortcodes and configurations.

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