WooCommerce Entrega


Pida a sus clientes una fecha u hora de entrega durante el proceso de compra con nuestro plugin de entrega de WooCommerce. Además, puede permitir que los pedidos se creen sólo durante su horario de trabajo y proporcionar franjas horarias.

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Entrega y recogida de productos WooCommerce con facilidad

Si tiene una empresa de servicios de entrega, por ejemplo de pizzas o flores, a menudo necesita tener una fecha y hora de entrega específica de sus clientes Nuestro plugin hace que sea fácil ayudarle con eso

  • Delivery Location, Time Slot &Date
  • Horarios de apertura
  • Tasas de entrega
  • Envío de radios

delivery date and time slots

Fecha y franjas horarias de entrega

Mostrar un campo de fecha de entrega y/o franja horaria de entrega durante el proceso de compra Los horarios y las fechas son totalmente configurables y pueden ajustarse como desee

  • Mostrar campo de fecha y hora de entrega
  • Hacerlo obligatorio u opcional
  • Ajustar las horas en función de la zona horaria del usuario
  • Desactivar los días de la semana, los días festivos o los días de costumbre
  • Establecer una fecha de inicio y fin personalizada
  • Datepicker totalmente traducido
Ver demostración

Envío de radios

Nuestro plugin le permite habilitar un radio de envío basado en la ubicación de su tienda Por ejemplo, si usted es dueño de una entrega de pizza que sólo entrega a los clientes dentro de un radio de 30 km Esta función requiere la API de la matriz de distancia de Google

  • Envío por radio basado en el cálculo de la distancia de la dirección del cliente de la tienda
  • Establezca un radio en millas o kilómetros (km)
  • Mostrar un mensaje de error personalizado
  • Sigue permitiendo la recogida
  • Permitir opcionalmente los pedidos cuando no se ha podido calcular la distancia
Ver demostración de administración
WooCommerce radius shipping
WooCommerce opening hours

Horario de apertura

Configure el horario de apertura de su tienda con 2 horas opcionales de apertura y cierre para permitir la realización de pedidos sólo cuando su tienda esté abierta

  • Activar/desactivar los horarios de apertura
  • Establecer días de apertura/cierre de lunes a domingo
  • Dos ajustes de tiempo diferentes por día
  • 3 Notificaciones diferentes cuando la tienda está cerrada(antes de añadir al carrito, antes de pasar por caja o en el proceso de compra)
Ver demostración de administración

Plazos de entrega por día de la semana o método de envío

Establezca fácilmente diferentes horarios de entrega en función del día de la semana actual o del método de envío Asegúrese de que la entrega esté disponible sólo en los días de la semana en los que se puede entregar Ejemplos:

  • Permitir la entrega también el domingo al mediodía
  • Hacer que la recogida sea siempre posible, pero la entrega sólo en determinados momentos
Ver demostración de administración
delivery times per day
Delivery Fees

Tasas de entrega

Añada los gastos de envío cuando un cliente elija la entrega hoy o al día siguiente

  • Activar la tarifa de entrega hoy o al día siguiente
  • Establecer el importe de la tarifa personalizada (precio)
  • Sólo se aplica a determinados métodos de envío (e.g. excluyendo la recogida local)
  • Establezca una etiqueta / nombre personalizado para su tarifa
Ver demostración de administración

Ejemplos de casos de uso

WooCommerce pizza delivery store example

Entrega de Pizza

Entrega de pizzas: Sólo se entregan pizzas en un radio de 30 km y sólo se permite hacer pedidos en horario comercial de 5 a 9 horas

– Envío y horario comercial de Radius

fence builder

Constructor de vallas

El constructor de vallas necesita tener una fecha y hora de instalación cuando el cliente hace el checkout La fecha seleccionable debe ser de 30 días a partir de hoy

– Fecha y hora de entrega

Female Flower Shop Owner

Tienda de flores

La tienda de entrega de flores muestra un mensaje de que su tienda está cerrada y que los clientes pueden volver a la hora X (el carrito permanecerá) para hacer pedidos de entrega directa

– Horario de apertura


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Use Business / Opening Hours Widget

Our plugin has a built in business / opening hours widget, that you can use to show off your times. First you need to have opening hours created in the backend settings. Then you can head up into the widget section. Search for Delivery Opening...

How to move the delivery date field before the time field?

If you want to move the date field before the time field, then you simply need to change the hook position. Go to our plugin setting > Delivery time. At the bottom you find a value for the hook priority. Change this from 10 to 20 for...

Delivery Datepicker does not work

Check if this plugin is active "WooCommerce Easy Checkout Fields Editor". Disable it.

Can customers choose a time slot before cart/checkout?

Customers currently only can choose a delivery date & time during the checkout process. Learn more here about creating GDPR services & categories or watch this video:

How are time slots displayed on the front end, e.g. via a calendar or table?

Time slots are displayed as a dropdown menu in the checkout process.


# Changelog
- NEW:	Show a tooltip for no delivery dates
- FIX:	HPOS support
- FIX:	Exluded weekdays +1 wrong date shown
- FIX:	Removed get_post_metadata filter (use delivery_date_formatted or delivery_data_locale now)
- FIX:	PHP 8.2 Support
- FIX:	Performance improvement

- NEW:	Delivery location based on inventories
- FIX:	Issue when delivery location and based on users not enabled

- NEW:	Disable shipping methods based on delivery date
- NEW:	Min date respects excluded days
- NEW:	Added 2 more time debug options
- NEW:	Added option to set fees taxable
- FIX:	Distance Shipping fee not removed when shipping method is excluded
- FIX:	Fatal error for array_filter when not array (times not set in backend)
- FIX:	Sort by delivery date / time in backend orders not working

- NEW:	Set dates and time ranges when you can not deliver.
- NEW:	Triggering update_checkout when Fees by Weekday enabled
- FIX:	Calculating distance via Geoposition was not working
- FIX:	Advanced settings HTML Check not working
- FIX:	Minimum order value caused not able to create pages or posts
- FIX:	New Geocoding feature not working
- FIX:	Using delivery_date_locale now for admin mails
- FIX:	Admin panel crashed in delivery time settings

- NEW:	Delivery Location based on Radius
		This will calculate the distance between the user and the 
		selected delivery location and disables them when out of radius
- NEW:	Use Geocoding instead of Distance Matrix
- NEW:	Performance optimizations due to code refactoring
- NEW:	Moved filter woocommerce_delivery_date_form_options to support picker select
- NEW:	Introduced new filter:
- FIX:	Delivery time max orders enabled issue
- FIX:	Using users shipping address instead of billing when guest checkout
- FIX:	Delivery dates used when disabled

- NEW:	Added backend max delivery orders per time check
- NEW:	Updated the min order value to 999999
- FIX:	Delivery fees per weekday not showing

- FIX:	Inifinite Loop in delivery date + time

- NEW:	Added Spanish & French translations
- FIX:	Updated DE & IT translations
- NEW:	Delivery Time Range text saved in custom order meta fields:
- FIX:	Delivery times not updateing when date not used 
- FIX:	Delivery date inline style not working
- FIX:	Radius shipping postcode issue
- FIX:	Added placeholder key names to WPML
- FIX:	PHP notice in admin 

- NEW:	Add delivery fees for radius shipping (e.g. $5 fee for delivery within 20 miles)
- NEW:	Placeholder & error text option for delivery date
- NEW:	Added shipping zone suport for radius shipping
- FIX:	Range text not showing in mails when times per delivery method chosen
- FIX:	Range shows in single order backend 

- NEW:	Added support for flexible shipping plugin
- NEW:	Search in backend support localized date format search
- FIX:	Using wp_timezone_string function now
- FIX:	Issue when processing time went into next day

- NEW:	Delivery Dates per delivery location
- NEW:	Added shipping zone instance ID to select fields in backend
- FIX:	Performance (JS &CSS only executed on checkout page)

- NEW: 	Support for shipping zones
- NEW:	Time examples are now BOLD as many users
		oversaw this easily
- FIX:	Moved updater into weLaunch framework

- NEW:	Dropped Redux Framework support and added our own framework 
		Read more here: https://www.welaunch.io/en/2021/01/switching-from-redux-to-our-own-framework
		This ensure auto updates & removes all gutenberg stuff
		You can delete Redux (if not used somewhere else) afterwards
- FIX:	PHP 5.6 Support

- FIX:	Delivery time options per shipping method caused issue with delivery zones

- NEW:	Delivery processing time next day
- NEW:	Added a new Delivery date locale meta field, that you can use in our
		invoice PDF plugin for example
- FIX:	Made optional Reloading checkout when HTML has changed as it causes infinite
		with multiple shipping zones + shipping dependent options, that was introduced
		in version 1.1.11

- NEW:	Current & Next Day delivery times
		These will override other times except times per shipping method
- NEW:	Set a custom "choose another date" text message
- NEW:	By default date is now before time	
- FIX:	Holidays used as disabled when holidays settings disabled

- FIX:	Important JS issues

- NEW:	Processing & Reverse Processing times per shipping method
		Shipping needs 60 minutes to prepare
		Pickup need 30 minutes to prepare
- FIX:	Moved time debug to advanced settings
- FIX:	Reloading checkout when HTML of shipping method has changed

- NEW:	Added Italian translations thanks to Corrado Lucherini
		If you have translations for us, send them to [email protected]
- FIX:	Added strip tags for placeholder field
- FIX:	Molly payment issue
- FIX:	Rolled back to old distance matrix API

- NEW:	Delivery Date & Time Labels per Shipping method
- FIX:	In some themes selected shipping method was not set correctly
- FIX:	Updated distance matrix vendor pacakge 

- FIX:	Delivery time per shipping always taken monday times
- FIX:	Session PHP issue

- NEW:	Delivery location by user + distance matrix now work together
		so it calculates distance from user + customer

- NEW:	Delivery Times per Shipping Method

- FIX:	Time debug caused issue with times display

- NEW:	Minimum Order Value function

- NEW:	Time debug mode:
- FIX:	Additional recipient not found

- FIX:	Hotfix for translated date format (month names)

- NEW:	Fees can now also contain decimals
- FIX:	Added appending recipients to Woo new order email when locaiton by user is used
		New Orders get sent to both (configured email + user email)
- FIX:	WooCommerce email settings no longer accessiable
- FIX:	Time range not showing in admin, frontend or email
- FIX:	Custom Delivery date, time & location label not showing in email

- NEW:	Delivery fees based on weekdays
		For example if you want to charge a fee only on weekdays (sat or sun)

- NEW:	Delivery Locations based on Users
		Select users, that should show as delivery locations including
		a custom text template + all new order emails will be sent to that user

- NEW:	Delivery Time Ranges:
		Just separate time value and name with a |

- NEW:	Delivery date & time sortable in order backend

- FIX:	Time slot Value to check changed from 0 to 9999

- FIX:	Days after tommorrow delivery fee

- NEW:	Overrite wp time zone with user time settings
- FIX:	Delivery details missing in email

- FIX:	Min date caused JS error

- NEW:	Min Date only get applied on selected shipping methods
		e.g. free shipping only available on next day (+1 day)
- FIX:	Apply filter for disabled dates not working

- FIX:	Max orders / products per time checked even if not enabled

- FIX:	Max orders / products index casted to int now
		10 / 20 or all 0 ending settings were not interpreted right

- FIX:	Delivery time max products adds also products in cart now

- NEW:	Set a maximum products per delivery time
		This was a customization request for a pizza company, 
		who only can produce e.g. 6 pizzas per delivery time
- FIX:	Delivery time placeholder not showing after AJAX load

- NEW:	Added day after tomorrow delivery fee
		Next day fee now only applies on next day

- NEW:	Radius shipping debug mode:
- NEW:	Added support for delivery location on shipping method change
- FIX:	Changed reverse processing time description

- NEW:	Added an option for a placeholder for delivery time & location
		Auto select needs to be disabled: https://imgur.com/a/aBsSq8q
- FIX:	Widget translations broke opening hours widget
- FIX:	GMT - issue

- FIX:	More than 10 orders per day possible

- NEW:	Use WP timezone instead of user time zone (performance)
		Demo: https://imgur.com/a/QjpuMAn
- NEW:	Added delivery location in backend & Emails
- FIX:	Initial timepicker not showing when options empty

- NEW:	Delivery Location 
		Demo: https://imgur.com/a/LK5DLiG
- NEW: 	"Please choose another date" text appears now when todays times exceeded
- NEW:	Reverse Processing Time
		Demo: https://imgur.com/a/dzlcBR6
- NEW:	Added DE Translations
- FIX:	UTC--X Time issue

- FIX:	 Order could be processed when time was set to "select time" 
		 and auto select first enabled

- FIX:	Warning: strlen() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given
- FIX:	New enabled field broke Flatpickr

- NEW:	Order Processing Time
- NEW:	Only available order days
- FIX:	if you set the Default Date to +1 the hour picket treats it as being 
		the same day rather than a future date (so it restricts the hours 
		being picked based on the current time).
- FIX:	Added checks for default, min and max dates

- NEW:	Date will now be saved in internal MySQL Format
		Please check your excluded / holiday settings
- NEW:	Support for written / translated month & day names
- NEW:	Locale support 
- FIX:	Time slot check not working
- FIX:	Time & Date not showing on first checkout (no shipping option set)

- NEW:	Delivery time & date shows in emails
- FIX:	Delivery times do not adjust on future date selects,
		so customers can set a future date without time adjustments
- FIX:	Visitor Day fallback if session empty

- FIX:	Empty delivery times filter

- Inital release

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