If you have a multisite and want to synchronize products within multiple subsites you can do this with ease in our plugin. After installing and setting up our plugin you can go into your backend > Multisite Sync. Here you should now enable your first cronjob and start configuring it to use it to sync WooCommerce Products.

Sync only WooCommerce Products

First you should enable the Cronjob itself. Then you can enable to update data when a product is published or updated. If you do not check this, it will update the product data only once a day. The recurrence of course depends on what you have set for this cronjob. We use “daily sync”.

Then you should define your Master Site and the destination site, where the data should be synced to. Important is the source post type – use “products” here to only update WooCommerce products data.

sync woocommerce products inside multisite
sync woocommerce products inside multisite

Create & Update products automatically

If products should be created if they do not exists, you should check the option. Furthermore you should set update if exists and use the SKU update key. You can also exclude certain product IDs and meta data you do not want to sync. For example the _regular_price will be managed on the subsites theirselves.

Sync Product Tags, Categories & Images

Last you can enable to also sync product categories (taxonomies), post meta, images or tags. Those will be created if they do not exists, otherwise they will be assigned to existing tags or categories automatically.

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