When you have installed the plugin you will see 4 new setting menus below the WooCommerce Menu in the left sidebar.

  • Buying Guides
  • New Buying Guide
  • Categories
  • Settings

The menu all buying guides shows you an overview of all your buying guides. From there, or from the admin menu, you can start creating your first buying guide.

Creating a Buying Guide

When you create a buying guide you have to go through the following steps

Step 1 – Set Buying Guide Descriptions

  • Set a Name
  • Set a Description
  • Assign it to a product category (right sidebar)
create a woocommerce buying guide
create a woocommerce buying guide

Step 2 – Setup General Information

In the general settings of each buying guide you can set a style (Text, Image or Modal) how the guide should appear (see below). Then you can set the progress style (breadcrumb or progress bar).

Next step is to set the position of the Buying Guide – if “After category description” for example does not work, then try another position. Problems with the position most of the time occur, because the Theme is not 100% WooCommerce compliant.

Enabling choices made will show your users the choices he has made at the end of the guide. Show on shop page will this current buying guide on the General WooCommerce Shop Page.

guided selling general options
guided selling general options

Step 3 – Create questions

Start creating your questions by setting the question itself. Then add a breadcrumb (important if you use progress breadcrumb style), create an intro text and a tooltip for your question if you want. Then you can enable a “Skip Choice” option and set a custom text for this.

If you select an WooCommerce Attribute as choices, this will disallow creating choices manually (see below).

Step 4 – Create Choices

If you do not want to create choices automatically from your WooCommerce attributes you can set them individually.

woocommerce question and choices
woocommerce question and choices

Step 5 – Create a Choice manually

A choice consists of a name & assigned products. Lets say you have a question “Color?”, then you set your first choice to “Black” (or whatever color) and assign all black products to this choice.

Furthermore you can set a custom choice icon and tooltip if you like.

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